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Making Noise



"This next one is going to be brutal" Said the DJ on the radio last night. He did sound like he needed trauma therapy for Post Thrash Metal Syndrome. "So you might want a bag. Don't put it on your head though, that's dangerous".


Consumer advice at this time of night? Okay mate, no bag on head. Got it. Then the next track started, or at least I think it was music, it was sort of hard to tell. I seem to remember Young L at the museum trying to impress me with a downloaded mp3 from the band Carnifex once before. It's okay though, I didn't suffer any long term effects.


The music was pretty indescribable. Everyone in the band seemed to be playing stuff at random, played so quickly it all sort of merged into a staccato drilling noise. As for the vocals, I'm not sure there was any. Anyway the sum total was that I've witnessed the noise made by a tortured dinosaur attacked by a psychopathic dentist.


I might have to apologise to Simon Cowell.


Big Noise

That was enough. Maybe I remember when music had a tune buried in it somewhere?


By sheer coincidence I turned to television and a Russsia Today documentary about how sound has been used in a miltary context, for morale, psychological warfare, and torture. I think they showed this particular documentary before as I remember the interview with an american rock band about the use of their music by troops in the war zone.


At first glance it all seems odd and suprising, but then, isn't making a big noise a tactic used by wild animals to achieve their ends? And so warfare comes full circle, except by now we're a little better at being noisy than we used to be.


Little Noise

This morning sees a welcome return to the library of Mr Fidget, who is currently the noisiest person here. Coughs, splutters, heavy breathing and mumbling, all performed in perfect synchroonicity with graceful scrathing, rubbing, weight shifting, and clothing adjustment.


This mornings performance was assisted by a gentleman giving us a solo on the mobile phone, plus a chorus of the Swindon Cough Society.


Anyone would think I'm in a grousy mood this morning.


Gripe Of The Week

Recently I discovered that a recruitment agency was not using the CV's I sent them, preferring one that was years out of date. Having brought that to their attention I now discover they're still doing exactly that. Needless to say I'm outraged. No, seriously, I am. It's poor customer service, misrepresentation, and breaches data protection legislation.


Needless to say I sent a stiff email in response. That'll sort 'em out. Cold emails... They don't like it up 'em....


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