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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Month In Review



well havent posted on this blog in quite some time...not much happened but here it is


well i had my birthday....sweet sixteen ;) got a bit of money and some clothes....


tafe is getting alot better and i think its the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.


signed a petition to get a new english teacher <_< ...... i havent learnt anything since last year for english so my class is demanding a different teacher.


set my self on a fitness regime....jogging/running for about 1-2 hrs a day... and eating alot healthier...


My brother might have to convert to the Greek Orthodox church to become a godfather to hes best friends daughter...


thinking about going to church for some reason.... feeling a bit more religious i dunno why tho


and thats about it..... o and i finished my major modern hsitory assignment which i decided to do on Bernardo O'Higgins and the Liberation of Chile..


and coming up this week im going out with a good friend who i havent seen in about 7 years.... so i hope there are no awkward moments and silences B)


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