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Research, Back Burner Works & Sidetracks



Most of what I read and most of the new books I purchase is still focused on my long term primary project (novel...).


The secondary, somewhat big project right now would have to be my Ligurian article that's been in the hopper for months. Though it's mostly complete I've put it on the backburner. I became concerned with the simple fact that there is not much out there on the Ligurians (especially online) and I know that once it's published it will mostly likely draw those odd few people (like me) that want to know more about them like gnats to a bug zapper.


In that vein, I don't want it to be half baked; I want it to be judged as seemingly definitive and so there are more sources that I want to capture (of which I like to see for myself and not take another's word for it). This takes time & money, both of which are at a premium.


My big 'however' right now though, is that I feel myself gravitating into another small sidetrack


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