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Gaius Octavius


I didn't know that I was supposed to 'PUBLISH' my blog! So it's in a fouled up order. Maybe you can make something of it. Cretan!, Idiot!, that I am! And possibly find it in your hearts to forgive me - some day.


My sainted mother used to tell me: "You'll learn - some day."


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Omg you guys....




My dear Lost_Warrior, our patience is terminated. One would have hoped that sooner, rather than later, you would have been so kind as to decipher that patois and so doing, relieve my growing anxiety :(

Please accept this as your warrant to perform such service. :(


E. Black Adder <_<

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No need for insalubrious self-flagellation , surely the Evil Genius aka E.Blackadder will return to offer more mesocricetic metaphysical expostulations.Or my name is not Melchett.


Your polytropic instictions do you great credit, sir. One questions whether they would obtain the applause of Dr. Johnson or his student, Mr. Webster. Metagrammatism, dysmetria and myomantic claudication seem to have taken a hold on your person. <_<


At this juncture, good sir, I would like to take the liberty of recalling to your attention the fact that you have as yet to take up the gauntlet in re 'that'. -_-


E. Black Adder :(

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Surely I suffer no disrythmia in my captological formulation of cranail contradistinctions!


I ponder darkly the use of the word "that" whilst sitting in the crumbling , crenellated fastness of my ancient family Seat

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