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World War 2 Memories



I recently discovered some old stuff from my grandpa (who passed away about 10 years ago) in the attic. It is mostly photographs, postcards and war related documents from 1932 to 1948. I thought i share some images i scanned today over the next few weeks in my personal series "WWII Memories".


The first image i scanned today is actually rather unspectacular. A simple postcard from end of January 1944. From someone unknown to me (Dr.med. Elisabeth Obladen) to my grandma. It is stamped in Stuttgart (strange enough it says Stuttgart - Stadt der Auslandsdeutschen) (something like Stuttgart - City of the foreign born Germans)


The stamp itself shows an image of Adolf Hitler and it looks like it cost back then 6 Reichspfennige?


Next to it is another stamp which says "Nahrung ist Waffe" (Food is a weapon?). At the bottom left there is another imprint "Der F


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I have some of the photographic letters sent from over seas during WWII. They were censored, but the writers let one know what was going on. "Send me some... and a...." "God, I am wet."

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