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Customer Service!



I decided that, due to my relative endpoint in my dissertation process, I could afford time to work a part-time job in the department stores around here during the Holiday Rush...meaning I'd make meager wages, but quite a few hours, and would get the nice employee discount.


Now, just as a background: I'm the daughter of a very successful salesman, and I can schmooze with the best. I know how to work a crowd, juggle stuff, and take care of business. I've done 'hotel front desk' types of jobs before, and I know how to play the customer service game. It's pretty fun, and quite easy. As a result, I've turned my academic life into one full of customer service techniques. Meaning: I have a commodity (knowledge), and customers (students), and my job is to give them as much of the commodity as I can in a manner that they want. Ok, so there are plenty of rules and regulations that go along with this, so it's not like I'm trying to get Madame to shell out $100 for a stupid sweater, but you get the drift.


So in the past 2 weeks, I applied to the 4 main department stores in the local mall, and have gotten interviews with all 4. As soon as I get a 'better' job--'better' would be at a higher-end store--I cancel my positions at the other ones. Fun, no?


Oh, and I get paid for training. So, for example, I have training starting for my #2 pick tomorrow, and I don't have an interview for the #1 pick until Thursday...so I'll get to go through a day of training, perhaps two, and potentially quit if I get a better job at the #1 pick. Hah! I love this!


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