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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Still Here



Where to start? I haven't been terribly active here lately, though I do check in roughly once a day. Interest in specifically Roman things has waned a bit an I find that I have less to contribute than normal, if that is possible :lol: I'm inescapably trapped in fervent book reading for the moment, to the point that any moment when I cannot read (any time that I'm driving) I'm engrossed in podcasts of academic lectures.


I've put a link to some of these in the block to the right. I'm currently listening to the ECON 210 class at Purdue and despite taking weeks worth of lectures to explain a page or two's worth of ideas in terms of cookies and pancakes, I do find it very interesting.


I find my new job almost excruciatingly boring and I'm freaked out by how much the jargon resembles Newspeak. The money I'm making is convenient, though it oddly gives me no satisfaction and I constantly think about how I can use it to create a different way to support myself and how long it will take to save up that initial investment sum, whatever it amounts to.


I'll break out of this funk soon enough, and at least I'll have learned something from it. :) In the meantime, I'll just enjoy this bottle of beer and the always stimulating discourse of the members here.


Oh yeah, I have jury duty tomorrow, wee!!! And I found out that I'm haplogroup H(mtDNA) on my mother's side and haplogroup R1b(Y) on my father's side.

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