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The coolest ever



I want this on record: I have the coolest students ever.


My Intermediate Spanish class is a unique group. 60% of them are over the age of 50, and are taking this to better their knowledge...no requirements here. The rest are a mix of college-aged and teenaged students, taking the course for credit towards their school or degree. They all knew, like their colleagues in my other classes, that I was gone last week for my dissertation defense. But this class was different.


First, they bombarded me with emails, letting me know that they wished me well, and that they were rooting for me...and that I had better let them know how things turned out. Of course I emailed them with the good news.


Today's class was the first one 'back'...and they had a surprise for me. They all brought out bubbles, and blew bubbles in my honor. They had all signed a card for me. And finally, because I had stated that I was now a PhD, KIA (Know-It-All), they siad that there might be times where I'd be tired of flapping my gums...so they gave me a pair of wind-up chattering teeth!


Honestly, I was absolutely speechless...such a great sense of humor, great level of respect and comraderie. It gives me goosebumps! I'm still speechless!


Earlier this semester I had decided that on the last day I would do a surprise for them...this sealed it. I'm not 100% sure of what I'll do, but guaranteed there will be something in their honor. They have all enriched my lives in a way that no set of students has before...which is saying something, as I have had one great crop of students after another in every institution that I've taught at. But this is even more than what I expected...a true group of friends.


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Oh, several of them already know!


Nah, it'll be food related...I'm trying to decide what all to bring them. A 9:45am class...might do a brunch. Perhaps.

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