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Bloody Passport!



About two months ago, I lost my passport in the midst of deepest, darkest Exeter. These days it is one of the few forms of recognisable I.D., and therefore those of us blessed (or cursed) with a youthful exterior must risk keeping on our person


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Yikes, what a nightmare. I think maybe you should go directly to the issuing office in London and present them with whatever documentation you have to demonstrate an emergency need. I wouldn't wait to see if they mail the passport to you on time, or for some overworked, inattentive bureaucrat to get around to returning your phone call.


Contact a newspaper, too, and tell them about your plight. A student about to lose

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Call your M.P. Remind him that you voted for him. Have your school and the archaeological team put pressure on the powers that be. Stay on top of them - day and night. Tell the arline what is going on; embellish the story. Make plans with the team to be a day late.

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Sadly, the leftist nature of my country dictates that 'special treatment' will not be dished out for individual cases.




I am, however, going to keep on the offensive until I get my passport!


Though I thank you both for your advice.

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Your best bet would be to go to the passport office direct, tell them your predicament and they'll sort it out. You may be sat around waiting all day long but you will leave with your new passport by the end of the day. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine once, after many phone calls which achieved nothing he eventually went to the passport office and got his passport the same day, just in time because he was going on holiday the very next day!


Good luck WW, hope you get it sorted.

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