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Raison D'Etre



I stopped by the local liquor store to see if I might find some Chateau Jiahu, to no avail. Not all was lost, since they did have some Raison D'Etre. I really enjoy adventurous brews like this, especially when one spirituous coppery glass can make me all warm and fuzzy. :D


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Now, if that had been made from fermented raisins and they called it Raisin D'Etre, that would be something special.


I think I'd love to have my own winery and give tours, as our Long Island wineries do. In addition to Raisin D'Etre, I think another one of my signature wines would be called Plum Loco.


-- Nephele

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It's brewed with green raisins and beet sugar!

It is really good, I convinced GO to buy some last year when we were together and he reported later that he & his wife also loved it.

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You like Belgian style beers, I take it?

Moon, really... The whole time theNectarofGods.com was actually up you never peeked? :furious:


Yes indeed I do. Gulden Draak is perfection in a glass

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What if you were Titus Pullo, you could call it "Pilum Loco"?


Haha! Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of "Pullo's Pulverized Pullet Ale". Tastes like chicken!


-- Nephele

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You like Belgian style beers, I take it?

Moon, really... The whole time theNectarofGods.com was actually up you never peeked? :furious:


Yes indeed I do. Gulden Draak is perfection in a glass

You know, I did, quite a while ago. It had completely slipped my mind until you just mentioned it. :furious:

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