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A Caesar for President?

M. Porcius Cato


The efforts of Hugo Chavez to hide Venezuela's continuing slide to dictatorship has become truly absurdist.


According to the BBC, Chavez has vowed to expel foreigners who even accuse him of dictatorship, remarking "How long are we going to allow a person - from any country in the world - to come to our own house to say there's a dictatorship here, that the president is a tyrant, and nobody does anything about it?" These comments came on the same weekend that Manuel Espino, president of Mexico's National Action Party, criticised Chavez at a pro-democracy conference in Caracas and characterized a plan by Mr Chavez to end term limits on Venezuela's presidency as a threat to democracy.


I really wonder, is this pig-eyed Chavez so stupid that he has absolutely no sense of irony? I guess if you're president-for-life, you don't need a sense of irony.

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