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City of Buthrotum/Butrint

Divi Filius


Alb:Butrint/Latin:Buthrotum/Greek:Buthroton is a city in the deep south of Albania located a strategic peninsula surrounded by a lake(bearing the city's name) to its north, marshes east and south and the Ionian sea to the west.


The city carries an amazing history, archaeological finds show settlement in the area since the 10th to 8th century BC, reaching its Greek cultured peak in the 4th. The city was expanded upon during Roman rule, a small colony created by Pompey the Great was made into a full one under Augustus. The city shrunk in the 7th century and 8th and eventually declined as the Byzantine empire fragmented in the 13th ce and eventually became nothing more then a small Venetian outpost. As the city declined the marshes around it began to grow, covering the city and making it inhospitable. can say from experience that going into Butrint during the summer is quite the ride since the place is FULL of mosquitoes at all hours of the day. Anyway, the city carries a lot of history, from the Greek to Roman to Venetian and eventually Ottoman ruins. Its still being expanded upon as more and more is discovered.


These are the pics I took the last time I was there :D


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