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New Slew Of Books



After finishing my last round of books, (one of which was 'Ilium' by Dan Simmons, the most enjoyable science fiction book I've read in a while) I picked up a few more to read. I like to read several books at once, not only because my obsessive attention to things swings wildly about, but also because even the most disparate books can sometimes profoundly enhance each other in strange ways.


Brave New World & Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley


A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell


Of Human Bondage by William Somerset Maugham


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My teens were full of the more harmless classics... and a stupendous crapload of fantasy books.



I read a bit of fantasy/sci-fi as well. I particularly remember Jordan's "Wheel of Time" saga. I stopped somewhere after the 8th book in the series.

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If you're looking for a good survey of Western philosophy, W.T. Jones and Windelband's works are much better than Russel's (IMO). Jones especially is useful due to the lengthy excerpts from original sources.

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If you're looking for a good survey of Western philosophy, W.T. Jones and Windelband's works are much better than Russel's (IMO). Jones especially is useful due to the lengthy excerpts from original sources.

It's specifically Russell's opinion that I'm curious about. However, I would like to read another 'survey.' Thanks for the pointer, I'll head that direction. :)

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