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Our New Home



Today has been my first day at the new warehouse. Poor old AD can't cope, there's no official office for us yet (Its a portacabin buried behind stock in another unit nearby) and he's got nowhere to plug in his fridge and microwave. Now there's a man with priorities. At the moment, our office is a pile of pallets shoved into one corner. Cool. Especially in winter...


And what a site! Its huge!! Enormous!!! They give you a map when you sign in at security and boy oh boy do you need it. Warehousing units everywhere, lorries to-ing and fro-ing, forklifts shuttling around looking lost. A very busy place, and given they're supporting local car manufacturers, it isn't suprising. So far I've learned how to negotiate the front employee door. But not the second, which I discovered was only an old door propped up against the wall, and after it fell on me, thankfully without anyone noticing, I managed to locate the rest area. Such pit stops are a necessity of warehousing life.


But hats off to our new hosts, they're very helpful and so far I haven't had to glare angrily at any of them as I walk past. Talking of SB, there were rumours he'd applied for a job with them. He's been a supervisor for years and years, pretty much doing his own thing in the Hangar. Now thats closed, he must join the real world and discover that sunshine doesn't hurt. His only problem is how to get a well paid warehouse supervisory job looking like a coal miner. We shall see.


Road Hump of the Week

Yes, those mammoth obstructions at our new site are truly awesome. Automotive Mt Everests, which my poor old Eunos struggles to negotiate. I grimace as something expensive grates on the asphalt ridge, proving beyond all doubt that off-road vehicles do have a place in Britain. Just one. And no, I still won't buy a 4x4, because my body parts are large enough already thank you. Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.


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