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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Posts posted by Scott

  1. I really just wanted to know the big consequences the barbarians had and how rome "evolved" after 476.



    Your paper will easier to write if you consider asking yourself more specific questions. Consequences for whom, for example? For Italy? For the Eastern Empire? For the new barbarian successor states? For the city of Rome? For the Papacy? For international trade? For the Latin language? For the Roman elites? For standard of living? For the production of luxury items? For literacy? For paganism? You need to ask yourself more questions about those "consequences" so that you have a paper that's doable. The way you're asking the question now would require an answer the size of an encyclopedia.

    Well maybe I could report briefly how politics were changed in the Roman empire and the effect that this had on society in general. The Roman empire was obviously extremley influential so if their policies were changed then it would have an impact on many cultures besides their own. The three main ideas that I could explore would be: How the Roman empire's politics changed, The effect that had immediatley on the rest of Europe and lastly the lasting consequences this has has on contemporary life in the western world.

    Obviously you guys know a lot more about the subject than I do so if this sounds like a paper that I could find a wealth of information and would prove to be a somewhat decent paper please let me know. Thanks for all the help guys it's much appreciated.

  2. Hello and thanks for your reply. I am a university student who is writing a paper on how the barbarian invasions of the 4th and 5th centuries shaped rome and what the social, political and historical consequences were. I have some books at home with me already but I just wanted to get some information summarized so that I could wrap my head around the whole topic. I really just wanted to know the big consequences the barbarians had and how rome "evolved" after 476.

  3. Hey guys I am interested in how the barbarian wars shaped the fall of Rome and the consequences that this ultimatley had. I must write a research paper on this and I was wondering if you guys know of some good websites that could give me some of the political,social and historical consequences for the fall of Rome. I in no way would use any of the information of any websites in my paper but I just want to read some information to help me wrap my head around the subject.

    Thank you very much for your time in advance.

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