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Posts posted by Uros

  1. But Because no one berfore him try to conquer the world.

    I, for example, consider Alexander no better than Hitler.

    His politics of unin between "Barbarians" and greeks are in many ways similar to forced germanization inb XIX century, He destroyed many great tresures as the Avesta(impeding Zoroastrism to become a rival of Christianity and Islam, and destroyn century of speritual achivements by persians and iranians).

    BUT, he dream to make the world a simgle state, a single Koin

  2. Did anybody else read this Sunday Times article, in which Jeremy Clarkson expresses his 'indispensable' view on Archaeology.


    My favourite quote from it being:

    'Archeology, as we all know, is simply a tool that enables very stupid people to get into university. Fuse it with media studies and you end up with Tony Robinson.'


    It's all right though; I have channelled my disgust for him via a letter to his desk:


    Dear Jeremy,

    I hope my descendants excavate your grave and spit in it. How can I trust the opinion of a man who cannot even spell the name of the subject he hates so much?



    Some mentalist


    I don't know who he is but, many historians don't like Archeology

  3. Pyrrhus had not the power, nor the prestige to beat Rome.

    He should try invading grece or defeating Syracuse(also attacking Chartage will be suicidal for him).

    He was surely an able general but was lacking of the Hannibal gensius and Alexander's Charisma

  4. They Know about Assyria, Erodotus(?) tell the story of Semiramis queen of Assirya and Persians and greeks surely remember the necessary because Assyrian civilization was not forgot.

    Then, how much "Really" romans knew is a great truble try to know

  5. Like every conquerer doesn't want to conquer the world. Actually, Alexader planned on conquering the Arabian Peninsula, not Italia or Carthago.


    And the very rich and powerfull etruscan league?

    and the richest Samnites nations in south italy?(of them Alexander may recruit good soldier)

    I think Italy was mnot suitable for distances by the centres of Empire(Babylon and Persia) but was surely a good point

  6. The fall of roman empire is caused by the abuse of land by rich and the lack of a stable middle class that give to Rome the money to continue its expansion.

    lack of expansion is also e cause for...well...lack of Expansion.

    More Rome expande itself more is able to expand(as many other ancient societies).

    The west fall also becuase it was not able to assimilate germanic components and was incapable to expell it as east did.


    If you take your argument to its ultimate conclusion, then Rome would have had to conquer the entire world. I doubt if that could have been a possibility. Perhaps a different form of government and internal reorganization might have helped. Maybe Rome just got old and decayed and died like all organisms.


    Well lack of Expansion is not necesarry military one; modern day nation expand themselfes in economy or politics.

    Rome has nothing of this.

    The Roman ruling class is a militray one, and don't merged in economy so when military expansion become difficult the empire found itself blocked a vice-circle, not expansion possible, so no expansion.

    The lacking of military expansion should be changed in a economical expansion, but middle sea never become a commercial way in modrrn term and the money never a value; instead money went fixed in land that transform flux capital in immoble and static capital, so when Barbarians invade the empireb land was lost and money too.

  7. The fall of roman empire is caused by the abuse of land by rich and the lack of a stable middle class that give to Rome the money to continue its expansion.

    lack of expansion is also e cause for...well...lack of Expansion.

    More Rome expande itself more is able to expand(as many other ancient societies).

    The west fall also becuase it was not able to assimilate germanic components and was incapable to expell it as east did.

  8. Think about Palestine in Middle ages.

    A land of sand inhabitated by beduins; but where Jesus had lived and died and resurrected.

    Hellas, if not in religiuse way8But remeber the Oracolo of Delphi and Eleusi), was similar in cultural and political matter.

    Don't Forget that Alexander conquered Persian in name of Hellenic culture.

  9. Rome give citezenship to all italian peoples at the end of Social wars figthed between 91 and 88 BC

    Onestly i don't know exactly what cities fight alongside Rome.

    The last Etruscan opposition to Rome is during the civil war between Octavianus and Antonius but ended with the siege of their last stand supporter of Antonius in the civil war; this city should be Cortona or Orvieto i don't rimember exactly.


    and on language i should remember also the so called "Tabula cortoniensis" a table inscripted with etruscna alphabet

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