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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Posts posted by NotTitusPullo

  1. Why did the Roman legionary carry his gladius on the right? I'm not a reenactor (if I had the money and time I would be!). I can't comprehend how they'd draw their weapons without injuring the man next to them? Do they keep their swords on the right because so many Romans were superstitious about anything to do with the left?

  2. What is the Tarpaian Rock? I've read that people get thrown from it in Ancient Rome. I surmise (but I can be wrong) that getting thrown off the Tarpaian Rock is a punishment for the highest ranking citizens who aren't given the noble suicide option? You wouldn't put a wealthy man with three names and ancestry stretching back to the founding of the Republic in an arena to fight gladiators. Would they?


    Where was the Tarpaian Rock in Rome proper or outside the city?


    Did I spell Tarpaian right?

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