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Gaius Junius Caesar

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Posts posted by Gaius Junius Caesar

  1. Please include my name Gaius Junius Caesar



    We are happy to announce that we are giving away one copy of Rome: Caput Mundi Capitol of the World, just post below that you would like to be included in the lucky draw.

    The winner will be chosen randomly from all replies, deadline is the 6th of June 2010.


    Good Luck!



    ROME: CAPUT MUNDI Capitol of the World by Peter Melaragno

    Product Description - ROME: CAPUT MUNDI Capitol of the World. FIVE stars; TWO shows; 108 minutes. 58 min for the History then a 50-min step-by-step Walking Tour by a filmmaker who actually gave walking tours of Rome. Plus your own 60-page Pocket Guide to carry with you. This 2-part DVD is a WALKERS HISTORY OF ROME that prepares you for YOUR visit. The FIRST VIDEO is 58 minutes. It sets the thematic scale of your visit and touches on all the historical layers: the pre-historic, Etruscan, Imperial Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, and the modern. But it is the SECOND VIDEO of 50 minutes that explores the city as organically as a WALKING VISITOR does. It takes you STEP BY STEP (take a right; take a left) to all the important sites and offers suggestions for EATING AND LODGING. Included in the DVD case is a specially designed 60-page POCKET GUIDE to carry with you on your tour. It has a centerfold MAP and is coordinated with the 50-minute WALKING VIDEO. And if this is not enough, once you purchase, I will send you a LINK where you can DOWNLOAD your own MPEG-4 version of the WALKING TOUR. Install it on your IPOD or other video device and carry it with you to Rome. All cities are layer cakes stacked with detail. Rome is the most deeply layered of all. Few major cities offer the WALKING VISITOR such a spectrum of choice and most of it is free and out in the open. Let CAPUT MUNDI show you the way. Buon Viaggio!

  2. Thank you Nephele, I take you really enjoy these anagrams. I couldn't help but remember the last name Strabo was the same name as the head gladiator at the gladiators scholl in Spartacus.


    By the way, this site has a strange selection of smilies. I bet a few of those were selected by professors.....LOL


    G. J. Caesar





    GJC, your third scramble worked best -- thanks for giving me three choices! And, again, welcome to UNRV!


    Your hidden Roman name reveals that you are related to a famous satirist, although your particular branch of the family was noted for being a bit squint-eyed.


    Your praenomen is "Marcus", abbreviated with an M., and your full Roman name is...


    M. Petronius Strabo

    (nbsptanrotebomsr -bn +iu)


    -- Nephele

  3. Thank You Nephele for that nice Welcome.


    I have always been a fan of ancient Rome. sine HBO Rome, the internet and this forum I can learn what I have notknown for years.


    One site I've found recently is: The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Complete

    by C. Suetonius Tranquillus




    If no one ever read Suetonius's works, this is your big chance to do so.




    Here is my secret nam scramble, done three ways for your edification.












    Looking forward to discovering new facts about rome.



    Gaius Junius Caesar

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