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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Posts posted by wayneenz

  1. What would happen if Alexander the Great recovered from his illness and marched west and attacked the early Roman Republic? Would the early legions (maniples) be able to stand up against the Phalanx.


    There is a 1986 novel about this happening. It's called A Choice of Destinies by Melissa Scott. In it the Romans fight him on rough ground, with a lot of trees etc. They still lose but do kill a large number of Alexanders men.

    In the end they are absorbed by Alexander, he marries a patrician, and, because as king he cannot enter Rome, one of his generals becomes permanent Consul on his behalf. Someone by the name of Ptolemy.

    They end up destroying Carthage.

    The story is sprinkled with small sections set in later history. The last one is set in the year 1947 imperial [1591AD] on a space station.

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