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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Posts posted by Gippy

  1. I've been told that the ancients sung their poetry rather than just reciting it flat out. I was wondering if any of that music was preserved somehow, and if so, where it could be found.


    If not the music, do we have replicas of ancient Roman/Greek instruments?

  2. Gippy, you are a member of the patrician gens Curtia, which produced the consul Caius Curtius Philo in the 5th century B.C.E. and the historian Quintus Curtius Rufus who was a contemporary of the Emperor Claudius.


    Your cognomen of Clementia means "mildness; sweetness", describing your most admired attribute that makes you greatly sought after by the young, unmarried patrician males of Rome. Clementia is also the name of the Roman goddess of mercy, and this is the name you go by.


    Your full Roman name is:


    Curtia Clementia

    riicetanklnCMet -kn +au


    Welcome to UNRV!


    -- Nephele

    Oh I like that name, :rolleyes: thanks Nephele

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