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Posts posted by Faustus

  1. From an old but useful source: Samuel Ball Platner , A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, (1929):


    "The next level, which is in general 11.80 to 11.90 metres above sea, has been... and some remains of the pavement of the clivus Capitolinus above that of 174 B.C., at 14.50 metres above sea-level, belong to this period also... Please keep searching more recent sources.


    Many thanks to you A. for this further information on topographical elevations and sources.



  2. BTW - I'd like to have one to muse over but it would end up as a 'door-stop'.

    In addition it would continue to provide a demand for antiquities in which profit, not archaeology, is the prime motivator.


    Noted NN


    I did consider that fact, and agree with your assessment, but the quantity of brick the owner "dealer" has, in the many thousands, suggests they could find better homes than residing in cubes in warehouses.


    Here's more:

    VBI ERAT LVPA >Scherbentype >ImageBrowser >Wien (etc.)




  3. In the epic "Odyssey," one of the cornerstones of Western literature, the legendary Greek hero Odysseus returns to his queen Penelope after enduring 10 years of sailing the wine dark sea. Now scientists have pinned down his return to April 16, 1178 B.C., close to noon local time

    Salve and thanks, Viggen


    This is a nice reversal from what we ordinarily get. It is a fact that we can determine the dates of astronomical events with great accuracy back into the ancient past, pinpointing the geographical event area of the umbra of a solar eclipse.


    Much less likely, and to me mythical, are ancient predictions of forthcoming events, particularly the umbral path of solar eclipses. Empirical evidence from observations without the benefit of telescopes (which didn't come about until Galileo's time), would have been approximate at best.


    Here are two animations which illustrate the complexity of solar eclipses.


    Note that the larger shadow, the penumbra, (Think not the modern word "pen" but the L. paen=almost/umbra=shadow) to an earthbound observer, would only appear as a more or less dusky daytime period depending how close to the umbra one was at the time, and it would seem as if the day was darker than usual. The sun, seen by an observer, in that area is still forbidding to look at, although astronomers would take note.



  4. Two "stamped" Roman Military bricks


    At the beginning of the 5th century, XIIII Gemina still stayed at Carnuntum. It probably dissolved with the collapse of the Danube frontier in 430s. The Notitia Dignitatum lists a Quartodecimani comitatensis unit under the Magister Militum per Thracias; it is possible that this unit [was] XIV Gemina.


    Description: Below is shown the Military Brick manufactured by

    Legion XIIII Gemini at Carnuntum, Circa 2nd-4th Century AD



    Description: Below is a fragment of a Roman military brick from Carnuntum. The first letters of the original TEMP*V(R?) punch stamp crisply preserved. This stamp is attributed to Ursicinus dux from Vindobona. The letters are set planta pedis style. A small label inscribed "Legionslager Carnuntum" is applied to one edge.



    (Both of these bricks are being "offered" for about nine hundred dollars on the antiquities market; quantities are in the thousands.)

    It's an interesting comment on Roman 'responsibility, accounting, and quality control' that virtually every brick was stamped while in the form.


    BTW - I'd like to have one to muse over but it would end up as a 'door-stop'.

  5. It was a hoax.


    "Or so the story was told and sold. But it has now emerged that, far from being unknown, the tribe's existence has been noted since 1910 and the mission to photograph them was undertaken in order to prove that 'uncontacted' tribes still existed in an area endangered by the menace of the logging industry...


    I wonder how this changes things for these people. This new information doesn't seem to change their situation very much, but it does tend to confirm that they've made a choice to remain isolated as indicated by their threat display. It also provides information about how static their territory seems to remain over time.


    We seem to think everything is about us.


    Kudos to you Nephele, for finding it and the headline sized text. :)

  6. Culturally if not genetically, we might well be Neanderthal's descendants after all.

    Salve, and I hope this brief post doesn't go too far off topic:


    Personally, I like that possibility. Note the popularity of the "Cavemen" in the Geico COMMERCIAL messages on TV. And, when asked on the subject, I was always fond of replying, "don't worry about them....They are alive and well in Chicago." (I used to live there)


    Some of us feel a kind of "kinship" with them.



  7. Maybe. But as The Fountainhead is a fiction work, I really doubt there would be the anthropological evidence that might have supported her extraordinary assertion on the savage's existence as public (?).

    Is anyone aware of her rationale for this specific phrase?

    Salve A.


    To me, simply put this means: Their (the public viewed as savages) opinions are (not always but) first of all shaped by the broader public's "perceptions" of issues and their own "tribe's" approval of their opinions felt as peer pressure. On that basis, consider the applicability of the two foregoing TESTS in the US or outside the US.



  8. This is fascinating M.

    I've always wondered why, considering the large investiment of time involved in making tools like the one pictured, they were allowed to be left behind in any quantity or in concentration. Perhaps they were made up in advance and cached for later retrieval. If dropped and (or in use) they were left lying on the ground, they would be picked up and kept for later usage much the way we today will pick up even the smallest of loose change found lying in a parking lot.


    To anyone fascinated by "Neanderthals", there are several interesting links provided to follow.


    Much appreciated.

  9. Within the American context, I see a limited government in all spheres as doing the least amount of damage, as I care nothing for the cultural militants on either the right and the left.

    On the short test, take the first two questions on either side.


  10. Rather than roll an incredulous eye at the dedicated and justifiably-proud-of-our-fish NY Aquarium folks, I thought I'd ask my fellow UNRV-ers: Can anyone here could provide any ancient sources to confirm the claim that the ancient Romans and Greeks used electric fish as defibrillators?


    -- Nephele


    If I may, Nephele, not that item directly, but being one who leans toward the theory that the ancients knew much more than we give them credit for. We can

  11. Here, I think this quiz is a bit more comprehensive.

    Interesting, this is a "thinking person's test. and certainly more painful to take! On this I moved 3/4th square left of center, and one and one and 1-3/4th square south of center towards Libertarian; painfully in the middle. Feeling strongly only 3 or 4 times, the questions led me to frustrated ambiguity. This from a former Goldwater supporting (1964), Ayn Rand reading (Fountainhead/Atlas Shrugged), "Australia-immigration-idealizing" person as a young man.


    The first TEST had the benifit of defining a central region ("centrist"), and on which I was 70P and 80E, well outside the"centrist" regions.


    Ursus, your test may just remove the "shooting from the hip" feature of the first test, spontaneity or the first "gut reaction" we (some of us) employ in our personal and economic thinking.



  12. So I'm waiting for your comments, specially on the last one. Thanks in advance.



    Interesting photo; 4 pipes all of the same size running in approximately the same direction, but one crossing under and then over the others. Where it crosses over the first of the other two it is fractured around the girth of the pipe and water or effluvium of some kind leaked out for a period of time, unhindered by soil or lava flow.

    If they were all buried underground at the time of the volcano's eruption, the silt from that leak would not have been deposited as it was; thinly in a downward direction then onto the pipe. If it was buried in soil the water and silt would have been absorbed into it creating more of a thick crusty "lump" than a very thin 'distillation' as it appears to have done. If the pipe was already buried at the time of the eruption how is that accounted for?


    If the pipes were never buried, the lead would've been taken by thieves long ago. (it suggests to me that upon excavating the pipe, water and some silt/effluvium drained out then.) Perhaps the pipe was even broken after excavation occured, and the silt deposit is recent. If the pipe was buried by the eruption, it seems the burial would

  13. Very interesting Faustus, I am very much looking forward to the next post. Does your source explain how he gets all those numbers? I would really like to know, it would be invaluable to me!(1)


    If it's the fourth century, the source is most likely the Regionaries.

    A source to be used with some caution.


    I'm a bit baffled by that map with the shaded 'open land' areas in second century Rome.

    Obviously it's not 'open' land but rather public buildings and imperial properties, but still it seems to be riddled with errors.


    Not trying to bash your article, mind you, kudos for putting it up.


    Klingan: Paoli: The greater part of this information is drawn from a description of Rome in the time of Constanine, which has come down to us in two editions, one by the name of Notitia (A.D. 354), the other Curiosum (A.D. 375)


    Other evidence, which helps us to correct the details and draw a complete picture from the information provided by this exceptionally important texts, and generally to reconstruct the topography of Rome, besides purely archaeological date such as the remaining monuments and the result of excavations, etc., can be gained from the following: (1) The marble fragments of a plan of Rome made under the Emperors Severus and Caracalla, and displayed to the public on the north wall of the Templum Pacis, which later became the Church of St Cosmas and St Damian (2) The description of Servian Rome in Varro's De Lingua Latina. (3) The information preserved by Pliny the Elder (N.H., III, 66-67) about the survey of Rome carried out be Vespasian.(4) Inscription with topographical references, particularly the Monumentum Ancyranum is a copy on stone, discovered in 155 at Ancyra (Modern Ankara), of the Index rerum gestarum, which his will, inscribed on two bronze tablets, on the front of the Mausoleum which he had built for himself (28 B.C.) in the Campus Martius. The Monumentum Ancryanum is in Latin with a Greek translation....The best edition is that of J. Gage (1934). The other inscription (CIL, VI, 975) of A.D. 136 gives information about the vici of Regions I, X, XII, XIII, XIV.



    Maladict: I noted that but thought it was worth cautious viewing. The locations of public buildings would loosely fit the descripton 'uninhabited' but 'open land'(?). The second most obvious area is the rectangular projection which we know to be the Praetorian Camp (at about 1-oclock).

  14. Some interesting facts about the development of Rome

    from ROME, Its people life and customs by Ugo Enrico Paoli


    (URBS - 2 parts )

    ROME grew from a small hamlet on the Palatine into the greatest city of the ancient world. Her earliest inhabitants descended to feed their sheep and bury their dead in the damp and narrow valley where later the Forum was to stand. After ten centuries, when Constantine transferred the capital of the Empire to Byzantium, Rome covered an area almost twelve miles in circumference and had a large and closely packed population. The banks of the Tiber from the Porta Trigemina to the southern slopes of the Aventine had been covered with docks and quays to ensure an abundant and regular supply of provisions. Eleven aqueducts furnished a daily water supply calculated at 350 million gallons.


    In the fourth century A.D. the city had 11 public and 856 private baths, 37 gates, 423 parishes (vici), 29 main roads from the centre to the outskirts, to which must be added an enormous number of minor streets, alleys and areae, small squares scattered among the network of streets; 25 suburban roads; 8 bridges, 2 Capitols, 190 granaries, 2 large markets (macella), 254 mills, 8 large parks (all the open land that was left),11 forums, 10 basilicas, 37 marble arches, 1,352 fountains, 28 libraries, 2 circuses, 2 amphitheatres, 2 naumachiae for naval shows and 4 gladiatorial barracks (ludi).


    From the earliest times the population of Rome increased steadily, first through the assimilation of the neighbouring peoples, who came to live in the city, and secondly through the growth of Rome

  15. I scored a dead-centre on this. However, being an American test there were some issues which are very hot in the UK at present which perhaps arent in the US, and were absent from the test. I have some strong views on these absent topics!


    Good comment NN. I thought that would be the case for people outside the US making it esoteric(?). Those very items might be "neutral" here (L & R fall on both side).

  16. Since this is an isolated group, they probably have no other groups they have to be concerned about going to war with, thus they have a paradise without war


    That's a leap--just because they are isolated from us, doesn't mean they don't have contact (including violent contact) with surrounding tribes. I'm guessing the war paint isn't to impress the toucans.


    Salve MPC


    We don't know for sure. For me it

  17. Too bad they had to be disturbed by a helicopter. (At least I suppose that is what the aircraft was)

    It seems they are well aware of what these intrusions by their modern counterparts would mean to them, and take actions to thwart or discourage that contact. They do it by taking accurate aim with their bows and arrows for instance, suggesting more than just an idle threat; in effect saying

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