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Belisarius Ryan

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Posts posted by Belisarius Ryan

  1. I'm embarressed to say what i do after reading about you lawyers and professors. I'm a blue-collar intellectual...a college dropout factory worker. My IQ is probably double that of my immediate supervisors, but they all think I'm weird because I chatter endlessly about roman emperors, politics, etc, and all they care about is college football and which restaurants have the best fried chicken

  2. Many great individuals in history are now believed to have had Asperger's Syndrome, a mild form of Autism. Einstein is believed to have had it. Thomas Jefferson also may have had it (read Diagnosing Jefferson). I myself have asperger's syndrome, and after reading about Claudius, the 4th emperor, I believe there is a strong possibility that he too may have been mildly autistic. Many of his relatives and contemporaries were embarressed by him and considered him dumb or retarded, yet he was actually quite intelligent and in many ways a progressive leader.

  3. Indeed.


    Byzantine makes more sense anyway, as it was Constantinople (Byzantium), not Rome, which existed as the cultural and economic nerve center of the Eastern Empire.


    However, I can see why many citizens of the Byzantine Empire may have taken pride in calling themselves "Roman," just as many U.S. citizens seem to pride themselves on the fact that they are "American". The Roman Empire (especially in the east) was comprised of a diverse population of various ethnic groups, just as the U.S. is now. What gave them a common identity was a sense of pride in knowing (or believing) they were part of the greatest civilization in the world, just as many Americans seem to do in current times.

  4. I just read the linked review of Justinian's Flea. I agree that it Rosen does a good job of not alienating the reader. (I can't really speak for other readers, but I wasn't bored with it.) I agree that one of Justinian's key talents was his ability to spot talent in other individuals and to use them to their full potential. He was not unlike some of the great leaders of the modern era. Looking back at Washington, it wasn't necessarily his own talents which made him a good president, but rather the cabinet he employed (Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton--all incredibly intelligent and talented men). It is regrettable that Justinian was a bit distrusting and paranoid, however. Had he trusted Belisarius more, the conquest of Italy may have been more successful and perhaps the reconquered lands would not have fallen back into the hands of the barbarians as soon as they did.

  5. I just finished Justinian's Flea by William Rosen. It was about the plague and how it affected the empire and europe during Justinian's reign. Right now I'm reading a bio of roman emperors from 31 BC to 476 AD ...I forget the author's name, but it's awesome because I only know scattered bits of data about a few emperors. Historical info is lacking on some of the emperors, but I'm learning a lot more about the more obscure ones, and the ones with shorter reigns (i.e. Galba).

  6. The Claudia gens was second to the Cornelia gens in producing the greatest number of magistrates for the Roman Republic. "Clodius" was an alternate spelling of the name "Claudius" and, even though some members of the Claudii eventually chose to use the form of "Clodius" all the time while other Claudii alternated between spellings, both the Claudii and the Clodii were of the same original gens.


    As I did with my Surnames of the Cornelii, I have attempted here to list and define the various surnames used by those Claudii who served in magisterial positions during the time of the Republic, as noted in Broughton's Magistrates of the Roman Republic. For the purpose of this list, I have included cognomina and agnomina under the collective term of "surnames."





    Aeserninus - This surname was a title of honor given on the occasion of the siege of Marcus Claudius Marcellus at Aesernia, a fortified town in Samnium, in the social war of 90 BCE. The surname itself was conferred upon the son of Marcellus, rather than upon Marcellus, as his son was born at Aesernia during the siege.


    Arquetius - See Arquitius


    Arquitius - Alternately, "Arquetius," meaning "bowman, archer." This surname was found among those Claudians who rendered their nomen gentilicium as "Clodius."


    Asellus - A diminutive of the Latin asinus ("ass"), this cognomen was also borne by members of the Annia gens, as well as by members of a plebeian branch of the Claudia gens. The original bearer of this name may not necessarily have been nicknamed "little ass" because of a personality trait, but possibly because of an event in his life which involved the animal for which he was named. As with the cognomen of "Asina" ("she-ass") of the Cornelii, when an early member of that gens acquired the name due to an unusual business transaction involving the animal. (See Asina in Surnames of the Cornelii).


    Caecus - Meaning "blind." This surname was given to Appius Claudius (consul in 307 and 296 BCE; Dictator between 292 and 285 BCE) after he had gone blind. It was said that Caecus had been cursed by Hercules and struck with blindness on account of his sacrilegious transference of the ancient cult of Hercules from the Potitian family to public slaves.


    Canina - Meaning "dog's flesh." A surname suggesting that the original bearer (of a plebeian branch of the Claudii) made a meal of dog's flesh. While the Romans didn't generally eat dogmeat, we read in Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia (Book 30, Chapter 27) that the flesh of a "sucking puppy" was one of the ingredients in a concoction to be consumed by one seeking a cure for epilepsy.


    Caudex - Meaning "block of wood" and, in this instance, referring to the wooden planks of a ship, in accordance with the legend that Appius Claudius Caudex (consul in 264 BCE) was thus named because he was the first to teach the Romans to board a ship.


    Centho - Or, alternately, "Cento," meaning "a cap worn under the helmet." My thanks to UNRV history writer Chris Heaton who, during a private conversation back in May of 2007 regarding Roman names and their meanings, found for me a translation of the writing of the historian Ammianus Marcellinus (19.8.8), for which I had unsuccessfully been searching for a reference to the Roman centho or cento. This passage shed light on at least one use for such a cap, recounting how dehydrated soldiers, unable to reach the water at the bottom of a deep well, used a cento as an improvised sponge, lowering it down into the well by rope and then drawing it back up so that the soldiers might quench their thirst.


    Cento - See Centho.


    Centumalus - While this surname was more often seen in a plebeian branch of the Fluvia gens, it was also found as a surname of a plebeian branch of the Claudii. No Claudius Centumalus held a magisterial office during the time of the Republic, but I nevertheless include the surname here because it was noted by Charles Peter Mason, 19th century Fellow of Univeristy College, London, in his article on the Claudia gens in William Smith's Dictionary. The original meaning of the surname is undetermined, but it most likely had something to do with a quantity of some sort, as it consists of the Latin word centum, literally meaning "a hundred," and figuratively meaning "an indefinite, large number."


    Cicero - Some translators of Livy's History of Rome (Book III, Chapter 31) give the name of the tribune who prosecuted Romilius in 454 BCE as being "Gaius Claudius Cicero," while others give "Gaius Clavius Cicero." T.R.S. Broughton was of the opinion that the name was "Clavius" and not "Claudius," although William Ramsey (19th century Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow and contributor to W. Smith's Dictionary) was of the opinion that the tribune was named "Claudius Cicero" and he was the only historically mentioned member of a plebeian branch of the Claudii bearing the surname of Cicero. Regardless, whether the gens in question was Claudia, Clavia, or even Claudia rendered as Clavdia, the surname of Cicero is most noted in history as belonging to that famous orator of the Tullia gens (Marcus Tullius Cicero). The surname itself is most likely an occupational surname, related to the Latin word cicer (meaning "a small pea; chickpea") and referring to one who raised chickpeas. While this definition of the surname is the most etymologically probable (due to the suffix -o having been used to form occupational terms from names of things), it should be noted that Plutarch (writing on the life of Cicero of the Tullii, translated by Bernadotte Perrin), explained the origin of the surname of the famous orator as having been derived from a physical defect of one of his ancestors, who possessed "a faint dent in the end of his nose like the cleft of a chick-pea."


    Clineas - This surname is unusual for a Roman, and perhaps may be somehow related to that Clinias who was the father of the great Athenian statesman, Alcibiades. Sadly, the bearer of this surname, Marcus Claudius Clineas, did not appear to have the statesmanlike qualities of the son of his namesake. For, as a lieutenant legate in the year 235 BCE, he made a peace agreement on behalf of Rome with the Corsicans, which was repudiated, and he was subsequently delivered up to the Corsicans. The Corsicans refused to accept him, and so the unfortunate Clineas was then either imprisoned or banished, or possibly even executed.


    Crassinus - Sometimes rendered as "Crassus." See Crassus.


    Crassus - Meaning "fat." Although used by the Claudii, this cognomen was more often found in the Licinia gens.


    Drusus - Actually, this a surname of the Livia gens, but this name found its way into the Claudia gens via Livia Drusilla (wife of the Emperor Augustus), whose sons were fathered by her first marriage to Tiberius Claudius Nero. One son was named Nero Claudius Drusus (afterwards called Drusus Germanicus, husband to Antonia Minor). According to Suetonius (in his life of Tiberius, translated by J.C. Rolfe), the original Drusus acquired his name as a victory title for having slain "Drausus, leader of the enemy, in single combat."


    Flamen - Literally meaning "one who burns offerings." In addition to this surname belonging to a plebeian branch of the Claudii, this was also the title for a priest devoted to a particular deity.


    Glaber - Meaning "bald-headed."


    Glicia - This surname (also rendered "Glycias") comes from the Greek word meaning "sweet" and was most likely the original name of the freedman of Publius Claudius Pulcher, serving as his former master's clerk. As was customary, upon manumission, Glycias assumed the nomen gentilicium of his former master (now his patron). Claudius Glycias had a brief but memorable magisterial career, when his former master, upon being commanded by the Roman Senate to account for a defeat at Drepana in 249 BCE and to appoint a dictator, contrarily appointed his freedman, Glycias, as an insult to the Senate. We can imagine that Glycias' astonishment was exceeded only by his subsequent disappointment, when the Senate immediately cancelled the appointment.


    Glycias - See Glicia.


    Hortator - Meaning "an exciter, encourager, exhorter."


    Inregillensis - A surname that might also be rendered as "Regillensis," meaning "of or belonging to Regillus," the name of a Sabine town from which the Claudii originated. The name of the town, Regillus, itself means "royal, regal, magnificent." This surname, as "Regillensis," was also seen in the Postumia gens, but in that case it is said to have been bestowed upon the consul Postumius in 496 BCE as a victory title.


    Lepidus - Meaning "pleasant, agreeable, charming." Although we find one Marcus Claudius Lepidus of the Republican era who was a legate envoy (190 BCE), this surname was more frequently seen in the Aemilia gens.


    Marcellus - A diminutive of the common praenomen "Marcus," rendered as a surname. This was a surname of the most illustrious of the plebeian branches of the Claudii.


    Nero - Meaning "strong, valiant" in the Sabine language, and in the Oscan language apparently a title of rank, this surname of the Claudia gens was originally a rare praenomen. By the time of the Emperor Augustus, this surname had again been brought back into use as a praenomen in the imperial family.


    Pulcher - Meaning "handsome."


    Regillensis - see Inregillensis.


    Russus - From a Latin word meaning "red," this surname referred either to the color of the orginal bearer's hair, or to his ruddy complexion.


    Sabinus - A surname indicating the Sabine origin of the Claudii.


    Unimanus - Meaning "having only one hand." This surname belonged to Claudius Unimanus, a praetor of Nearer Spain (Hispania Citerior) in 146 BCE.


    Vestalis - A theophoric surname related to the goddess Vesta; meaning "belonging to Vesta." This surname was found among those Claudians who rendered their nomen gentilicium as "Clodius."




    Broughton, T. Robert S. The Magistrates of the Roman Republic New York: The American Philological Association, 1952.


    Chase, George Davis. "The Origin of the Roman Praenomina." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 8. (1897), pp. 103-184.


    Kajanto, Iiro. The Latin Cognomina. Helsinki: Keskuskirjapaino, 1965.


    Lewis, Charlton T. and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary: Founded on Andrews' Edition of Freund's Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879.


    Mason, Charles Peter. "Claudia Gens." Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Ed. William Smith. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1867.


    Matyszak, Philip. Chronicle of the Roman Republic. London: Thames & Hudson, Ltd, 2003.


    Pliny the Elder [Gaius Plinius Secundus]. Natural History. Trans. John Bostock and Henry Thomas Riley. London: Taylor and Francis, 1855.


    Plutarch. Lives, VII, Demosthenes and Cicero. Trans. Bernadotte Perrin. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1913.


    Ramsey, William. "Cicero." Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Ed. William Smith. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1867.


    Suetonius [C. Suetonius Tranquillus]. The Lives of the Caesars. Trans. J.C. Rolfe. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1913.


    -- Nephele


    What about Clodius Albinus, the claimant emperor circa 193 AD?

  7. What intresting is if they were a time were the citizens of the eastern empire stop seeing themself as Romans and begin to think of themself as Greeks.


    I think they considered themselves Romans right up to the fall of Constantinople in 1453. I think it was mainly western europeans that began to see them as 'byzantines' and not romans. Most historians refer to anything later than the 6th century as byzantine, but Toynbee refers to the late byantine empire as the eastern roman empire in A Study of History. The important thing to remember is that they were indeed the inheritors of the roman empire. The eastern empire evolved into a state that was essentially greek, but it was still a hellenistic entity, just as the roman republic and early empire was. In some ways the western european states of the early middle ages were just as roman as the byzantine empire. Althought the last legitimate western emperor was deposed in the 5th century, roman citizens did not simply vanish with the appearance of barbarians such as Odoacer and Theodoric, who basically modeled their governments after what had been used by the romans already. Also, the catholic church, which was probably the major unifying force in medieval western europe, was closely based on the roman imperial government. Even the russian czars after 1453 considered themselves the rulers of the "third rome" however different their culture was from that of Augustus or Justinian or even Basil II.

  8. I meant to type this in the previous post. I don't really see any one of these dates as turning point. I believe the Eastern Roman Empire gradually evolved into a Greek/Byzantine Empire as the Western Empire gradually declined and splintered into the beginnings of the nations of middle age and renaissance era europe. I still think of Justinian as a Roman and not a Byzantine, although he was a far leap from the Italian born emperors such as Augustuts and Tiberius. If I had to pick only one of those dates, I would go with 610 or 800.

  9. This is a question I have floated around in my head since I was 12: at what point in history does the Roman Empire begin and the Byzantine Empire begin? Every history book on the subject seems to have a different answer. I am listing several possible points in time that could be considered the definitive turning point of the Eastern Empire (i.e. when it became Byzantine and ceased to be Roman). Please tell me which is the best answer, in your opinion. If I didn't list a date you believe to be the definitive answer, then please offer your own answer.


    a) 286: Diocletian appoints a co-emperor to rule one half of the Roman Empire

    :lol: c. 330: Constantine makes Nova Roma/Byzantium/Constantinople the new capital, thus shifting the cultural and economic centers to the eastern regions of the Roman Empire.

    c) 395: the death of Theodosius the Great, the last emperor to rule over a unified empire. (it was after his death that many of the Eastern emperors began ignoring the western half altogether.

    d) 476/480: Romulus Augustus deposed in 476; Julius Nepos, last western emperor legitimately recognized by the eastern empire dies in 480.

    e) 565: Justinian the Great dies. Not long after his death, many of the western provinces he reconquered fall back into the hands of the Germanic barbarians in the west.

    f) 610: Heracleus becomes emperor. He makes Greek (already the dominant language in the east) the official language of the empire.

    g) era of Charlemagne: circa 800, the pope crowns him Roman Emperor. As a result the eastern roman empire begins to be referenced as byzantine, not roman, by inhabitants of western europe.

  10. I have asperger's syndrome, and although I doubt I could do what he did, I kinda understand anyway. When I was about 7 years old I memorized the first 40 presidents after skimming through an encyclopedia. My wife thinks I have savant-like musical abilities, although i disagree. I didn't start playing an instrument until I was 20, and I'm certainly no virtuoso, but I do think I have a very good ear. I can often listen to a song once or twice and immediately learn the notes or chords. I really don't like to talk about it, because I feel like I'm bragging. I'm far from perfect. I can learn my way around a new town or city relatively fast (I guess you could describe it as an internal map I keep in my brain), but I doubt I could come close to doing what that gentleman is capable of doing.

  11. I would recommend reading Justinian's Flea by William Rosen. It discusses the plague's effect on Europe and the Eastern Empire, but it also offers a nice account of the emperor's life. Rosen blames the plague for Justinian's failure to recapture all of the Western provinces. He basically says that Europe and the Eastern Empire would've taken very different paths had the plague not occured.

  12. Belisarius Ryan, you are a member of the Annaei, a family which produced many notable Romans, including the great rhetorician Seneca the Elder and the great poet Lucan


    Your cognomen is "Raptor" -- a word though nowadays recognized as describing the most terrifyingly predatory dinosaur from Jurassic Park, in ancient Roman times it indicated one who was a robber who seized and abruptly made off with his prize. Your branch of the Annaei obtained this cognomen due to their unapologetic reputation of getting what they want.


    Your praenomen is "Tiberius" (abbreviated as "Ti.") Your full Roman name is:


    Ti. Annaeus Raptor

    = onaaypsreaktrnt -yk +iu


    Welcome to UNRV!


    -- Nephele



    I like that name

  13. Hello to everyone. My name is Ryan and I've been a history geek since I was in elementary school. I am especially obsessed with Roman and Byzantine history. I'm 27 years old and live in Richmond, Virginia, USA. Although I'm a college dropout, I've decided to return to school (hopefully as soon as next autumn) to major in history. I am also thinking about writing a book about rome/byzantium, though this is a difficult challenge, as there are already countless volumes on the subject.

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