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Posts posted by JetJon

  1. Alexander was the focus of my studies for a long time.


    His men did love him, and when he wanted to invade India his min would have followed not for much longer but they would have. But marching some 150,000 men some 3,000 miles from home you have to give them some hope of returning home. Alexander is commonly known for his conquest, but his goal was nothing of the sort. His goal was to bring peace to Greece. This he did, by uniting (his father really did most of this but he took the final step) Greece, and then taking the Army out of Greece. What happened after that point was a bonus.


    Politically Alexander was not as Great as his father, Philip, but he was by no means a poor politician. He captured all of the Phoenician cities with one siege. Tyre was destroyed in that siege but none of the other cities would dare resist his rule after that. Alexander

  2. Hannibal was defeated at Zama in Africa, but escaped and eventually was sent into exile. He served under the Seleucid King, Antiochus III in the Syrian War but only played a limited role. He commited suicide rather than give the Romans the satisfaction of capturing him.

    Oh thank you for clearing that up, I was mistaken. I wonder then why I thought he was captured in Spain

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