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Posts posted by 400BC

  1. Ottawa here, but I lived in three different Canadian provinces (none of the Roman ones, alas).


    Not a lot of interest in Roman history here, which is strange for a city that houses the Senate. When I mentioned last week that archeologists might be about to uncover Cleopatra's tomb, my co-workers were astounded to learn that no, it's not the body of Julius Caesar they expect to find lying close to hers. :blink: Again, strange for a city that has seen so much backstabbing.

  2. 400BC, you are a member of the Annii, a plebeian gens of considerable antiquity. "The first person of this name whom Livy mentions, is the Latin praetor L. Annius of Setia, a Roman colony. (B.C. 340.)"


    Thank you, that is very nice. You even managed to find a 'relative' from the fourth Century B.C., which is where I concentrate my interests.


    Gaius Tiro of the Annii it is, then.

  3. I am puzzled by the celibacy requirement the Roman army imposed for military musters. I mention it here, but do not really understand it. Why only bachelors? To avoid the societal stress the sudden disappearance of many family providers would provoke?

    Or is it an inducement to settle down and work on increasing the population? "Don't want to have your head cleaved by a Celtic sword, fili? Then find a nice Latin girl to marry and settle down."

  4. Is there any textual evidence on Mark Anthony or Cleopatra being buried at all?


    There is, actually. ;) Plutarch's Life of Antomy:


    "Many kings and great commanders made petition to Caesar (note: Octavian) for the body of Antony, to give him his funeral rites; but he would not take away his corpse from Cleopatra, by whose hands he was buried with royal splendor and magnificence, it being granted to her to employ what she pleased on his funeral."




    "When she understood this (note: that she was about to be sent to Rome), she made her request to Caesar that he would be pleased to permit her to make oblations to the departed Antony; which being granted, she ordered herself to be carried to the place where he was buried, and there, accompanied by her women, she embraced his tomb with tears in her eyes, and spoke in this manner: "O, dearest Antony," said she, "it is not long since that with these hands I buried you; then they were free, now I am a captive, and pay these last duties to you with a guard upon me, for fear that my just griefs and sorrows should impair my servile body, and make it less fit to appear in their triumph over you. No further offerings or libations expect from me;"


    And after her suicide:


    "But Caesar, though much disappointed by her death, yet could not but admire the greatness of her spirit, and gave order that her body should he buried by Antony with royal splendor and magnificence."

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