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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Posts posted by McClam

  1. Hello all, My friend and I are going to do a model of the imperial palace out of lego's for a project and i was wondering if anyone had some pictures with different angles or knew some stuff about the building like how big it was and anything really would be appreciated.(and i know its going to be alot of lego's)

  2. i would interveiw jesus and find out if he was the son of god as he says he is and so forth but on the more roman side i would like to interveiw marius as it would be interesting to see how he thought the legions would change rome and other such things.

  3. well there is a mod for rome which is supposed to make it really historically correct with unit numbers and so forth,taking out made up units,though i think i know where screeching women came from, the battle in britainia where the revolt was beaten and a women had been leading it,not quite sure which battle but basically the british women had made a wall of wagons to watch their men win and to cheer for them and when the britains routed this caused many of them to die but back to the point,the mod is called total realism maybe look it up on google as i dont feel like going and getting the link and so forth and also there is an expansion coming out for rom,also i think they mainly did the political parts on the romans,because to make all of the events and systems for all of the cultures would take a long time,oh and maxed out bull riders wreck!

  4. It would see to me like that would have some influence upon it as roman culture took numerus things from the greeks and an outlook on sexual activities may just be one of these many,as

    a developing society would look to other cultures for their veiws also as the book quotes said alot of the taboo of such veiws is placed by the christian church.

  5. While i am not an total expert on said matters, I think that the velites werent abolished they just were really not needed greatly as now the cohorts filled part of their role using the pilums to screen and so forth,but there was a auxillary part of the roman army that was a better kind of velite i believe though this belief is based on some odd ground,hence rome total war,and i thought the pilums bent not broke really but maybe they broke after either way the point was as you said to not let the enemy use them.

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