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Posts posted by Paulus

  1. The Gospels say that when Pilate went down to Jerusalem for the Passover, he took three legions. X Fretensis, (?)Apollinarus and XV Macedonia were in Syria at the time of the Jewish revolt over a generation later and have a strong history there but I don't know if they were there for Jesus' execution. Also, the date 33 CE is a 'give or take' date at best. The most likely culprits to me would be the local cohort of Samaritan bully-boys, the Cohors Sebaste. Jesus was a minor troublemaker and it seems unlikely that Pilate would insult crack troops by asking them to carry out what was, in essence, a judicial murder. The Gospels were written to serve a religious purpose and not an historical one. Written generations after the events they describe, their authors were not above tampering with history or at least not researching alternate historical sources to find the truth. In their minds, they had The Truth already and to them, that was far more important.

  2. Distilled ammonia (that doesn't come from pee), chilly-bins, pressurised gas bottles (for smokeless cooking fires and possibly to be used as explosives?), syringes, surgical rubber (small compact Y-frame slingshots)surgical gloves and condoms, not so much bicycles, but the idea of them; a modern ten speed wouldn't last two minutes on a Roman road but the mechanical theory could be applied in other areas, razor blades, morphine (as opposed to tincture of opium taken orally), tampons!, The New Zealand Boyscout's First-aid Manual, soap!, deodorant, zippers, modern mirrors...

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