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Posts posted by Moonmaiden

  1. I recall that the council was an attempt to reconcile the Arrian Christians with the Athaniasians; to understand the dual nature of God the Father and Jesus as the Son being One in Being With the Father. This was the Nicean Creed, which is still recited in Catholic Mass today. Constantine also had the Christian Sabbath moved from Saturday to Sunday because of his attachment to Sol Invictus, the Imperial Cult.
    Constantine invited the bishops of all the major Pagan religions of Rome to the Council of Nicaea because he wanted to present officially Christianity like main Roman religion and give Roman Catholic Church more privileges concerning to other religions.


    This all looks pretty bizarre to me!




    Constantine, a Pagan Emperor, invites representatives of all the major Pagan religions to a meeting with representatives of a minor (around 4% of the population) cult, Christianity, in order to sort out their theological differences?


    Wouldn't that be like 'Born Again Bush' inviting the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Steven Green of the Evangelical Alliance, the Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses, a few Mullahs and a couple of Rabbis to help the Scientologists resolve their differences, organise their book of faith and write their creed?


    Doesn't make a lot of sense to me!

  2. I found some information about it. Constantine invited the bishops of all the major Pagan religions of Rome to the Council of Nicaea because he wanted to present officially Christianity like main Roman religion and give Roman Catholic Church more privileges concerning to other religions. Maybe it is true.


    But Christianity did not become the 'official' religion of Rome until 379AD under the rule of Theodosius I, some 50 years AFTER the Council of Nicaea. Constantine remained Pagan until his baptism on his death bed.


    There are remarkable similarities between the story of Jesus and many of the Pagan religions of that time ie: virgin birth of Mithras on 25th December, Dionysus celebrated a 'Last Supper' with his 12 disciples before his death, Mithras was attended after his birth by three shepherds, Attis died and was ressurected between March 23rd and March 25th.. Easter! "He who will not eat of my body and drink of my blood, so that he will be made on with me and I with him, the same shall not know salvation." is an ancient inscription to Mithras... the list goes on!


    One of the main differences between the pagan and Christain religions, however, is that the stories contained within the Pagan religions were taught as a way for the uninitiated to understand rather than as the 'gospel truth'. As one became more initiated into the religions 'gnosis', rather than the stories, was at the root of the faith.


    Is it not possible, indeed quite probable then, that what happened at the Council of Nicaea was a unification of religion. An amalgamation of Christianity into Pagan thought? After all, this had happened in the past during the Roman Empire; for example, the cult of Serapis!

  3. The first Council of Nicaea


    The second Counsil of Nicaea


    There are a lists of invited to the Councils persons.


    Thanks for the links Lacertus. The problem with these ones, however, are that they are from a Catholic site and so unlikely to contain any details or evidence of Pagan influence at the Council of Nicaea.


    The site I came across is this one which claims that:



    In 325 A.D. the Roman Catholic Church was created by a pagan emperor named Constantine. It was only superficially a Christian Church. The First Nicean Council as assembled to work out the details. While it was supposed to have been made up of Christian elders from five major Christian centers (Rome, Athens, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Antioch), it also included elders of all the major Pagan religions of Rome. Bishops from the cults of Mithras, Tammuz, Oannes (Dagon), Ceres, Janus, Bacchus, Apollo, Osiris, Jupiter, and Constantine's own religion: Sol Invictus, were invited.


    Despite further 'googling', I have only come up with vague references to this and wondered if anyone else has come across this information previously? If it is the case that representatives from other Pagan religions were also present at the Council, then this would certainly cast the origins of the modern day Christianianity into a different light!

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