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Claudius' Triumphal Arch In Rome

Guest n cross

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Guest n cross

Can anyone direct me to where I might find any source images related to Claudius' 'victory' over the Celts in Britain.


I know that the Triumphal Arch in Rome contains a list of British Kings who surrendered to Claudius but were any images included?


I also have it on good authority that there has never been any discovery of the Statue of Victory which Tacitus tells us was destroyed in Boudicca's revolt in Colchester.


Where else are there good images of Celtic warriors in combat against the Romans?


I have seen some images on the front of the book Caractacus against Rome but it only credits the images to the Mansell Collection but it does not give any further information about where they are from.


Thank you for any assistance.

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I suppose the correct question would be... was there any images on the arch? Since the great majority of the arch is lost we will likely never know all the details, but I suppose (comparing it to the surviving structures of Titus and Severus) we can make the assumption that there were some images/sculptures.

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Guest n cross

Thanks, Primus. You have neatly outlined one element of the question. The assumption that the arch had images because others do is a fair one. I was just hoping beyond hope that someone knew of some new discovery that provided the lost parts of the arch.


Failing that - does anyone have any information which would assist with the remainder of the questions which I raised? Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is still one piece of the inscription of the triuphal arch of Claudius in de Capitoline Museum. One of the lines of the inscription says that the inscription (and the arch) were erected: 'because he brought eleven kings of Britain, defeated without any loss, to a surrender, and was the first to bring barbarian tribes on the far side of Ocean into the sway of the Roman people'. So there wasn't really a list of British kings it was rather a part of the inscription that there were British kings and that they were now subject of the Roman Emperor.

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