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Creepy Swedes are Microchipping Employees


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I'm Catholic, but live is a strong Protestant area, and they are remarkably tolerant here, we have alot of Muslims, Sikhs, and a whole lot of Hare Krishnans and Buddists, not to mention one of the largest hubs of Ayn Rand enthusiasts anywhere, and some communists.


So when I say this, comprehend the high degree of diversity here:


If this sort of stuff was attempted here, the population as a whole would rise up and decapitate the retards responsible for implementing what is a blanted reference to their end time myth regarding the rise of the anti-christ. They are all worried the forces of the anti-christ will come and implant chips in their hands or foreheads. I've head this for decades. Don't believe it much myself, for starters, with the cloud and fingerprint/retina recognition, as well as chip id cards with your image on them, who would bother?


Well, I'll tell you who would, those Sub Arctic suiciders known as the Swedes.


Apparently, it's a great idea in Sweden to implant microchips into the bodies, via a previously non-existent hole, into your damn body. Like your damn cattle, or a pet.


I think.... eventually they will just admit that they are intentionally building their laws and institutions around purposely antagonizing Christians, protestant Christians in particular, and someone is just gonna say enough... but when they say "enough" no one is going to hear them or their piunt of view because via the twisted logic of tge swedes, anything that goes against their grand vision of repessing freedom of speech or alternative views to their made up status quo is a hate crime, and their gonna be left with no choice but to do what that crazy guy in Steven King's "The Stand" did, driving a nuke into Stockholm on a four wheeler.


Honestly, I can't see how they could be consistently this backwards. Stop microchipping your employees, stop persecuting minority religions, stop ostrichizing middle easterners, stop banning free speech.


It's becomming retarded up there. Someone get these people a thumbprint reader, it's retarded and intentionally antagonistic. I won't be the source of the repercussions, but I can very easily guess where it will come from. From a billion angry, scared as hell protestants convinced the end time has arrived. There is no science or socially advanced spin they can slap on this insanity, it's old tech. We got far simpler methods, as well more advanced. They are choosing to antagonize, and dehumanize. Employers, much less the government, shouldn't be allowed to start randomly penetrating your body and injecting whatever suits their fancy into you. Stop this insanity now. Just stop it. No more. Literally no reason to do this.

Edited by Onasander
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This is pretty crazy stuff.  I am a Protestant (Baptist particularly), and while I am not likely to nuke anyone, if my country was doing this to me I would give serious thought to immigrating elsewhere.

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Where? If we decided to start implanting cattle microchips into people, I think the passport function would be the first thing done... US Passports are already chipped.


The Secretary of State owns all passports, can cancel or deny them at will, so I would guess he would have the right to probe you.


Knowing my luck, my first one would be a dud, and they would have to cut me open to get it, then I'll break my second one in a fall, so they will have to insert the third somewhere awkward and embarrassing everytime I'd have to pay at the buffet.


I went to a Pentecostal Church for a while as a kid.... they only preached the book of revelations, nothing but it. They went on and on about this stuff. I'd get bored during church and start flipping around in the rest of the bible... don't think they even knew it was there. Their entire religion is built around this exact, and likely justifiable (from hindsight) paranoia of being controlled by a tyrannical government falsely dressing itself up as some enlightened and advanced utopia as everything comes apart at the seams.


This stupid idea of implantation would be the equivalent of me opening up a Texas Steakhouse, advertised in Sanskrit, right outside of The Palace of Gold.(giant hare khrishna temple here), or putting pagan idols of the female moon goddess Allah and her sisters in a Mosque. Some idiot things you just don't do, you know damn well people won't react very well.

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