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Lentulus Sura paying for his stepsons


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From what I can tell, it was considered cheaper to raise daughters than sons because of having to pay for their political careers. In 70BC or so, P. Cornelius Lentulus Sura (the Catiline sidekick) married Julia Caesar (widow of M. Antonius Creticus of 'famous son' fame). She had three sons between the ages of about eight and eleven.


Was it worth it to marry a Julia at any cost? Her first husband had left enormous debts.


Would Sura have been responsible for the boys' education and would considerations like that put someone off marrying a widow?


What's in it for him (or others in his position)?


And on a slight tangent - how did 'bankers' collect money from prominent families, and what sort of steps would be taken to recover money?

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