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Get out of my head!! It's not safe in here!!

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I feel like I have some room to breath. The past few months since I started work I really haven't felt like myself, but I'm starting to have more "me" time and am actually beginning to feel like I'm getting something done again. I started The Eagle's Conquest and am really enjoying it. I'm also feeling more inspired with my writing, and I think I should start writing more poetry again (I haven't written any in...gods, months! I just hate feeling stressed and uninspired!).   I'm working on som



Feelin' Great

I got so much done today. I've no sign of the flu left, and the depression I had been sinking into has completely lifted.   I have written a rather lengthy essay for Love, Hope and Life and I have added a few things to the Resources section of Hidden Worlds. I have also found a very nice skin for my blog, which is just what I was looking for (two columns, customizable header without getting rid of the blog subtitle; and it comes in colors that I love, with no weird symbols anywhere!) I'm in he



Exams-shoot Me Now

Well I had my first AP exam today. English. It was an hour of multiple choice (55 questions and a whole hour to do it. I had 10 minutes to spare) and two hours in which to write three essays, preferrably 5 paragraphs each. GAH. It really wasn't THAT bad. Although after working for an entire year on a college level course (if I pass this exam, and then later go to college, I won't have to take the corresponding English course. It's a high school class for college credit) two girls decided to exch




So, yesterday was my eighteenth birthday. Officially an adult. Wow...kind of a smack in the face lol.   I got my drivers license yesterday, on my eighteenth birthday and hid the fact that I was taking my test from my mom, so I could surprise my entire family with the news. I was going to wait 'till we were at the restaurant to tell them, but they took their jolly good time in us leaving and so I told them all while we were still at my house. Probably a good thing, because the way they reacted



Eight Crazy Nights...well...six, Actually

The first three days of this week were alot of fun, but the last three, well, were something else lol. I had to work deli alone for the last three days (I worked till 10 PM six days in a row ). The first night, was so crazy that I didn't actually manage to get anything done, I swear, if one more person came in with a pizza order or wanted a hoagie, I was going to scream lol. Then last night I had to "take down" deli, as well as do all my normal work, which I would have barely had time to do bec



Easter Week

Well, Easter Week is over. I got my new ring from Israel and it is BEAUTIFUL. I also got my other new one today, a "color change" amethyst that really does change from a bluish purple to a raspberry red. Unfortunately, the seller lied about the size; it's a size 10 or 11, she said it was a size 7. It doesn't fit my biggest thumb.   Yesterday I got to go to my grandmother's for lunch. I had to miss Easter dinner, because I got stuck working. But I got to help hide eggs and watch the kids try to



Earth and Fire

Ye gods, today has been a day!! I'm exhausted!!   I've now got not one, but two jobs "on the line". Yesterday I put in an application at the Dushore Market...again. This morning, after going on a mad search for a wood burning tool, I picked up a newspaper and saw an ad for a machine operator at HTM. I went up and applied, except they were only looking for night shift (shift ending at midnight). I told them I really didn't want to work nights, but I put in an application anyway, and he said he'



Eagle's Mere

So we ventured into a little town called Eagle's Mere today. They have a few really cool shops, and in the first one we walked into, I found two Roman coins. Well more than two, I couldn't resist buying one, and I actually ended up with two. I wish I could have brought them all home.   The first one I picked up is from Constantine, the second, Constantius. I have no idea why I picked the one of Constantine, other than I was drawn to it for some reason. Actually, I didn't even realize until I g



DUDE...I Got a Dell

My new computer arrived today. It was interesting getting it to connect to the internet, and using this new Windows Vista is a trip LOL. But so far I like it. It's tiny, and I have my monitor sitting on top of the PC (because the PC is rather "flat" with feet on the side of the case as well...so it's clearly designed to lie on it's side...besides that the disk drive is sideways.) It's a much smaller HD than I had before, but I think part of my problem may have been too much power and no idea how



DUDE It's Been Awhile...

Watching my blog slide down the list I realized it HAS been a while since I posted anything, so here goes!   The harp has been sent back for a return. It arrived in Florida yesterday, so a new one should have been shipped today. I'm guessing it will be here Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully this one will arrive safely and undamaged.   Work continues to go great, my boss has gotten into the habit of sending me on road trips in company vehicles (one of which is nicknamed the "old gelapi" and d



Decisions, Decisions

So the other night my assistant manager dropped a bomshell on me: she wanted me to be the other assistant manager. After having come there with absolutely no experience in the field, and working for four months. To be honest, I'd have no idea what I was doing, even though I would get training. I'd be making (weekly) more than twice what I make now.   At first, I agreed to do it. But the night before that, I was lying in bed thinking how miserable I might be. I decided that the pros outweighed



Dante's Inferno Test

I normally don't do tests like this, but this one was just too good to pass up.   Funny I only scored "moderate" as a heretic, when I'm not even Christian!   The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!   Fifth Level of Hell   The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are



Cybele (on Pertinax's Request)

Cybele was also known as Magna Mater and was a fertility goddess from Phrygia. She was associated with the Earth and was worshipped on mountaintops. Her worship was "wild, emotional, bloody, orgiastic, and cathartic" and was led by eunuch priests (called Corybantes) who ritually castrated themselves and assumed women's identities.   She was also known as a goddess of caverns and fortresses, and of wild beasts.   In Greek Mythology Cybele was known as Rhea. She was renowned as the mother of




I'm not usually the superstitious type, but dead cows in the road at 5.30 AM are a bad omen.   An overturned cattle hauler turned my 15 minute morning drive into an hour and 45 minutes, during which I got lost, and went I don't know how many miles out of my way.   Fortunately, my boss and supervisor both thought it was hilarious. When I got there they asked me if I needed a map to get to the other side of the shop. "Can you find your way to the Robodrill?" "Better paint some arrows on the fl



Christmas! Yay!

I love Christmas. I hope everyone here had a very merry one   My mom actually managed to surprise me for once, with lots of great drawing supplies (including a set of the ENTIRE line of Polychromos colored pencils...and really cool Derwent metallic pencils. Derwent is my favorite company for graphite and charcoal work, but their colored things are nice too) and did a (quick, 45 minute) sketch of a bird in graphite, tinted with the metallics and the colored pencils, which I am VERY happy with



Christmas Stuff (and alexandrite for Nephele)

I LOVE MY DREMMEL!!!!   Random blue stone lying around the house, seed, silver, and rainbow obsidian beads.     My new natural alexandrite ring:   (sunlight)   (incandescent light)     I'm just taking it easy today. I have had three panic attacks in the past two days, and I'm trying to relax, and get this under control before I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm somewhere in between "keep myself occupied" and "don't do anything stressful" and hoping for a good day.   Mer



Christmas Comes Early

We did all our Christmas stuff Friday, and yesterday. I have a 4 day weekend, so mom figured I might as well have my stuff so that I can use it on my days off. She gave me a dremmel (well...similar thing) which I am going to have a ton of fun with. I have a bunch of stones in various states of tumbled, polished and unpolished, and I have plans for them! I made one thing yesterday, a beautiful piece of Montana agate with a gold sunrise etched on it...for Cernnunnos in honor of Yule.   I was ver



Catching Up

Things are really starting to slow down at work; this leaves me bored at times, but it's good, because it means I'm not often in a mood to remove people's heads or fling pizza pans as if they were frizbees. My life is finally starting to get "back to normal" so to speak.   I've taken up "trance dancing", well not truely "trance dancing" at least not yet. Shall I call it "devotional dancing"? It was weird at first, I was embarassed to actually get up and do anything, so I ended up just sittin



Can't Believe I Actually Enjoy This

So, I've just completed my fourth day of work. I've had to get up at 4:30 AM every day that I have work, and I've taken to not eating lunch, simply because there isn't time and when I'm busy, I'm just not hungry. It's been interesting, getting started. I've been learning to run a cash register (which isn't as hard as I thought it would be) and learning to do various other menial tasks (which are much harder than I thought they would be).   I'm really enjoying my work, despite the early hours.




One of my chickens has bugs (tiny, little mites. Ick!) and she won't eat. I thought she just wasn't hungry for a while, because she hasn't been eating, but I picked her up and she (once the heaviest) now only weighs about half a pound! And she never preens, not that she ever did I'm really glad I get to write an english essay on my New Favorite Poem (Ulysses by A. Lord Tennyson. I posted a snippet of it here...I could write a whole essay on just that snippet lol). I'm starting to like this




A girl kneels by the bedside of her dying lover. Her tattered wings spread out behind her, the feathers unkempt and dirty. She is crying pitifully. The only one who can save her lover, and therefore herself, stands behind her, scowling at her weakness. He is the reason her lover is dying. She would be lost without the one she loves. The voice of Justice echos like thunder throughout the room.   I've watched your helpless fall from grace And the agony in your face If every cut were one less p



Brighid's Fire

Prayer for Imbolc   Our Lady of Spring Your fire melts the frost Your water is the rain that falls Your sun warms the earth And seeds beneath the farmers' fields   Give us life! As you give life Let us grow! We're born anew May your fire warm our hearts And your water wash our souls Let your sun draw forth the seeds Of life and growth within us   Your fire drives us! Your water carries us! Let us be strong And grow vibrant in your hands.   My writing is really taking off!! Wh



Brighid's Fire

Most of my Brighid's Fire (the actual ritual part) was short, sweet and to the point. I lit a candle, said a few prayers, did a bit of healing work.   The "prep work" took the majority of my evening. I started at about 3.30 or so...painting a bottle to go on my shrine (it's sitting next to it as it's too big to go ON the shrine, it looks silly and easily tipped over.)         Then I spent...close to two hours painting my legs with indigo. The indigo painting, for me, is part art, pa



Bowhunters' Festival 2

I went to the festival with my grandparents (it didn't rain) and got all the stuff I needed for my bow. I met Tom Jennings (inventor of the compound bow!) and he signed my ticket. That same ticket won a door prize worth $725! That NEVER happens to me! I'll never win anything again in my life now! :PMy host has assured me that the company changing hands will not affect service. I can't be sure, but I'll take his word for it for now.



Bowhunters' Festival

I was going to go with my friend, but it's raining! that's no fun!I wish my grandad would find out if the bowshop around here can fix up my good cedar arrows...



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