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Get out of my head!! It's not safe in here!!

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Brighid's Fire

Prayer for Imbolc   Our Lady of Spring Your fire melts the frost Your water is the rain that falls Your sun warms the earth And seeds beneath the farmers' fields   Give us life! As you give life Let us grow! We're born anew May your fire warm our hearts And your water wash our souls Let your sun draw forth the seeds Of life and growth within us   Your fire drives us! Your water carries us! Let us be strong And grow vibrant in your hands.   My writing is really taking off!! Wh



Pics, lots and lots of pics

This is what I've been doing for the past two days.   Yesterday: a volcano pendant. Didn't turn out as planned...had a hard time with it actually, but the longer I have it for, the more I like it.   It's made of silver and that is an orange sapphire.     Today: my completed shrine to Brighid. Painting this took a LOT out of me. But through the experience of setting up the shrine and doing my first shift work, I learned a LOT about this recent depression.     My indigo body painting




I'm still fighting the depression. It's largely situational...so while I don't know exactly what is causing some of it, I do know that once things 'settle down' it should improve. I really hope and pray that that is soon, too. I wonder just how much more I can take.   I joined a Brighid flamekeeping Cill over on TC. Tomorrow is the beginning of my first shift, and I'm building a shrine to her tomorrow evening. I'm happy that I will have the house to myself for that. I don't know what all will



Life ate my brain...

But I have it back now. *Pries brain out of life's mouth*. A little spit covered, but no worse for wear. *grins*   Over the past year or so, I've been so preoccupied with work, and other things, that I've hardly had time to do anything I cared about. And when I DID have time, I was usually so bogged down with depression or something similar, that I couldn't manage to do anything. It started sometime last winter...and during that time when pretty much my whole focus was on surviving and maintai



Christmas Stuff (and alexandrite for Nephele)

I LOVE MY DREMMEL!!!!   Random blue stone lying around the house, seed, silver, and rainbow obsidian beads.     My new natural alexandrite ring:   (sunlight)   (incandescent light)     I'm just taking it easy today. I have had three panic attacks in the past two days, and I'm trying to relax, and get this under control before I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm somewhere in between "keep myself occupied" and "don't do anything stressful" and hoping for a good day.   Mer



Christmas Comes Early

We did all our Christmas stuff Friday, and yesterday. I have a 4 day weekend, so mom figured I might as well have my stuff so that I can use it on my days off. She gave me a dremmel (well...similar thing) which I am going to have a ton of fun with. I have a bunch of stones in various states of tumbled, polished and unpolished, and I have plans for them! I made one thing yesterday, a beautiful piece of Montana agate with a gold sunrise etched on it...for Cernnunnos in honor of Yule.   I was ver




I'm not usually the superstitious type, but dead cows in the road at 5.30 AM are a bad omen.   An overturned cattle hauler turned my 15 minute morning drive into an hour and 45 minutes, during which I got lost, and went I don't know how many miles out of my way.   Fortunately, my boss and supervisor both thought it was hilarious. When I got there they asked me if I needed a map to get to the other side of the shop. "Can you find your way to the Robodrill?" "Better paint some arrows on the fl



Another Bindrune Pendant (and a ton of snow)

I completed another bindrune pendant--this one goes on the rear view mirror of my car, for protection during travel. It was inspired by a rather harrowing journey home from work last Thursday.     It's snowing again, GRRRR. Snow and ice. *Knock on wood* the power did not go out. We thought it would, with all of the ICE and snow. I hope to hell I can get to work safely tomorrow, or that it's bad enough that I can call off...because I nearly didn't make it into work Friday morning. Oh, the ro



Here's One for Nephele

It's been a while since I updated this, so without further ado, I give you:   Tribal Carnival!!!     It has been a long four weeks, LOL. Here's hoping the next few are a lot better. I need to ask tomorrow about what we're doing at work for Christmas. I need to know, so that I can make plans to see the other half of my family. Hopefully I'll be able to see them for a few days, at least. I'm sorry to say that my grandmother is not doing so well, and I want to get to see her as much as possi



This Has Been an Interesting Day

I suppose I should count myself VERY lucky concerning today's events. And I feel quite free to laugh about them now.   So today started out relatively normal; I got up at 5:05 or so...I have to leave at 5:30 mind you to get to work. But this is normal, and I usually wind up leaving at about 5:35 and getting there five minutes or so early.   So I'm driving to work, as usual. I am almost there, and just as I am entering New Albany (I'm slowing down, as the speed limit changes from 45 to 25 r



World's Biggest Dork? (even I'm not usually this bad)

OK, I must deserve some sort of prize for this one. You know, for my superior grace and dignity.   Here's the story:   I was coming down with an ear infection this weekend. Now, I'm prone to ear infections, especially in my right ear. I know what they feel like. They can be excruciating! Normally, I would get myself to the doctor for antibiotic drops STAT however it was Sunday. I was no way no how going to the emergency room for an ear infection, so I did what I could to patch myself up at



Wheel of the Year

I finished this, finally, in about 10 hours of work. There's a lot more symbolism in it than I intended...actually the unintended stuff seems to be the more meaningful. I made this to use with Runic divination.  



TGIF (and some new artwork!)

This week was actually pretty good, all things considered. Still, I'm tired. I was sick over the weekend, and started out the week not being able to eat well, so I was already off to a nasty start. Add to that hormone fluctuations and a few other things, and well, it went well but I'm glad it's over.   My beads from Fire Mountain came yesterday, and I made a couple of bracelets. I'm not entirely happy with them, for various reasons, but I am mostly satisfied with how they came out.   Elemen



Oy Vey

Wow it's been a long while since I wrote something in here!   I'm really starting to enjoy my work, not that I wouldn't rather be home, but because I don't have anything to worry about when I come home. It's wonderful! My boss switched my hours this week, so I start at 6 AM and get out at 12 PM...not bad, not bad at all. I have the whole afternoon off.   Life has been crazy though, not so much on a physical level but on a spiritual one. I'm not complaining but I could do with a break sometim



NEW New Harp

She's here, and in good condition. There is a small odd mark in the finish however that can be remedied with some furniture polish and I'm not worried about it. I'm not tuning her a lot at one time, giving the strings and frame some time to "rest" in between, hoping to avoid undue stress on her.



Bindrune Pendant

This was my first attempt at doing anything even remotely like this (on all levels) and I am very pleased with the result! When I do something like this again (I will, because I truly enjoyed making it) I will hopefully have a better woodburner, (what I have is a soldering iron which can't really do curves...and doesn't get hot enough to really mark the wood) and I will be a bit more careful with the colors (the gold tends to smear). I'll also be pickier about my wood.   Made from a slice of H



DUDE It's Been Awhile...

Watching my blog slide down the list I realized it HAS been a while since I posted anything, so here goes!   The harp has been sent back for a return. It arrived in Florida yesterday, so a new one should have been shipped today. I'm guessing it will be here Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully this one will arrive safely and undamaged.   Work continues to go great, my boss has gotten into the habit of sending me on road trips in company vehicles (one of which is nicknamed the "old gelapi" and d



Just an Update

My new job is going great, I feel like my old self again, and I haven't felt this good since...well...it's been probably a year now!! I'm starting to write poetry again, too; I haven't written in quite a while. Picked up a book of Tennyson poems at a used book store, and that has definitely renewed my interest in poetry.   As for the harp, well, it appears as though the crack is getting bigger. it also looks like the top part of the frame is listing off to the side. There seems very little ch



My Harp is Here

...and looks like it's going to have to be sent back. There's what looks like a crack, or at least, a shoddy glue job, where the two pieces of the frame meet. At the very least, it will probably effect the sound. Still waiting to hear back from the girl I bought it from, to see if it's an issue. Mom is *insisting* that it's not a problem but I think it probably is.



OMG YAY!!! I'm so excited!!!

I just bought a beautiful, brand new, rosewood and mahogany Celtic harp last night!!! I can't wait until it gets here!! I can't imagine what possessed me (I spent about three weeks' pay on the thing) but I am so excited about it!!!!   I got a pretty good deal on it, harp, case, two books, extra strings and tuning tool for about 300 bucks.   This is the harp I'm getting, but I found it as a combo deal on Ebay instead of buying it from here.



First Few Days...

My first two days of work have been tough. Yesterday was bad because I had practically no sleep for the two nights before that. Today went fairly well, and I am really starting to enjoy it...but I'm still hoping that I made the right choice, because I'm having "darker moments" of extreme doubt...which I really don't understand. I go from feeling like this job is the best thing that could have happened to me to feeling like I've had a bad feeling about it all along and I should have listened to m




OMG YAY!!! I got a job!! A totally awesome job, with wonderful hours, and I talked to my boss on the phone and in person and he seems REALLY cool. It's doing machine/metal work, and I've done that manner of work before and I LOVED IT!! I'm SO excited to start tomorrow!!   WhOoT!!!



Earth and Fire

Ye gods, today has been a day!! I'm exhausted!!   I've now got not one, but two jobs "on the line". Yesterday I put in an application at the Dushore Market...again. This morning, after going on a mad search for a wood burning tool, I picked up a newspaper and saw an ad for a machine operator at HTM. I went up and applied, except they were only looking for night shift (shift ending at midnight). I told them I really didn't want to work nights, but I put in an application anyway, and he said he'



So What's New

I finally got my butt in gear and wrote that article about Morrigan for the site. It's in for editing/feedback now and it should be published sometime soon I hope. I did that a few days ago. I also made my mom a snake out of Sculpey clay. It's beautiful, and I can't believe I did so well. Neither can she; I had a hard time convincing her I actually made it.   Still looking for a job, but I'm enjoying the time off. I went back to the two places where I put in applications; one doesn't have any



A Little Gloating

...OK, a LOT of gloating.   Copper is so much fun!!! This is what I did today after turning in two job applications. I did it in two parts, mostly because I had to give some serious thought on how to attach the leaf without it looking silly (I wasn't sure how well it would work with the leaf coming directly off the stem as it is. I'm really glad I did it!)         Now I need to acquire more scrap. Amazing what you can do with a few pieces of copper, some MIG/TIG wire (for the stem



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