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My daily happenings and me whingeing over things

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University dun dun dun..

So.. currently im at that stage in my life when you decide on your possible career path and if you intend to go to university you do..Anyway on to the actual thing.. i've decided to take a double degree in Secondary Education/Bachelor of Arts at the University of Notre dame.. a small Catholic one in Sydney. I am majoring in History and minoring in Theology and this semester im taking Western Civilisation.. the only unit close to ancient history as it looks like im gonna get and for the theology




so this is the first entry on recounting my entire peru trip which lasted just over a week because the whole point was for of course the 'inka trail' / Macchu picchu. So on to the whole thing!   Arriving in Chile on the 28th of November and with barely a stay in the capital santiago my cousins brrother and myself were sent north... to PERU!. anyway what can i say about the flight... it was ok.. nothing flash. landing in Lima i was suprised at the really... bad amount of security, they dont pu



Oh the Joy!

so school is now completely over 13 years.. finally over as my hsc wrapped up a few weeks ago.. iu think i did ok.. i only need about an average of 72 to get into teaching so i should prolly get that. if not oh well gonna do social working anywayz..   next week at this time i will be on the plane to the south american country of Chile. why on earth is he going there you might say. well i have all my relatives there on my fathers side and plus my cousins in australia were going to so i though



Coming Out

well the past year has seen many changes in my life. only the other week i finally came out to my parents about my sexuality.. i had told them a year ago that i thought i was but they came back witht he usual 'you dont know till your older' stuff. But when i told my parents the other week i got a rather unwelcome reply, my father looked rather sad, disapointed and ashamed so i started to get really pissed off because they always told me if i did turn out to be 'gay' they wouldnt care but they



Life... For The Past Month

so yes it has been quite some time since my last entry..nearly a month..   Well not much has happened when i think back at the past month...but here is what i remember   handed in a multitude of assignments which i scored very highly in   did a speech for english...argh i volunteered to go first but lucky me only 6 people where in the class that day ya! so i got pretty good marks..   i made a whole heap of new friends and as the days go by i continue to talk to new people i meet in the s




hm.. not much in the past week so i just summarise in short points as usual....   The coffee with my friend was alot of fun...mmmmm.... mocha... anyway we had a great talk on our lives for the past 6 years and both learnt alot about each other that we hadnt already known. There were no awkward silences THANK GOD   We got our new English teacher whos is magnificent and we just started our work on Romeo and Juliet   My modern history teacher got told off by a girl in my class...created some



Month In Review

well havent posted on this blog in quite some time...not much happened but here it is   well i had my birthday....sweet sixteen got a bit of money and some clothes....   tafe is getting alot better and i think its the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.   signed a petition to get a new english teacher ...... i havent learnt anything since last year for english so my class is demanding a different teacher.   set my self on a fitness regime....jogging/running for about



Things Are Better Now....

well tafe is working out really well... i have made heaps of friends to my suprisement. i learnt greatly to also never judge someone by the way the look. like this "gangsta" guy i meet ended up being really cool and nice, and like this really "nerdy" guy ended up being the funniest person i had ever meet in my life.   so things are looking alot better.   i also found out though recently that a really close friend of mine went through a depressed stage about two years ago like myself. if y




well today i enrolled in Tafe (those who arnt in Australia Tafe is like a community college... im finishing my high school education there). Although tafe is alot better in the areas of Ancient and modern history i have the prospect of having to make a whole new group of friends. its rather daunting but i suppose everyone who is going is in the same boat as me.   other then enrolling i finished typing up an article on Tiberius Constantine who reigned after Justin II   Anyway some people mi



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