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Bits and bytes or paper?



Something to ponder about...


...let`s say you want to leave a message to the people in the year 4000. You could write that message onto a USB Memory Stick or a DVD or on a Hard Drive or on a piece of paper. What is your guess what the chances are that (assuming the sealed box would be found and all 4 are in good condition) archaeologists would be able to identify all 4 pieces as some form of a message?


I have a hunch that the archaeologists of the 5th Millenium will have a very hard time to figure out what the heck the USB Memory Stick, the HD and the DVD actually is. Maybe a "gift to the gods?" some sort of jewelry? a primitive craft device? Now assuming there is an experimental archaeologist that thinks that this could be some sort of data storage device. How will he get to the information? I mean i have some floppy disks lying around and have no way of actually getting to this information, first i dont have a floppy drive anymore and second, those operating systems of today kinda dont like old stuff, and when i talk about old stuff i am talking of 10 years maximum, nevermind 2000 years....



If the archaeologist of the year 4000 sees the piece of paper, chances are, he will grab it and starts to decipher the writing, right?


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I have a hunch that the archaeologists of the 5th Millenium will have a very hard time to figure out what the heck the USB Memory Stick, the HD and the DVD actually is. Maybe a "gift to the gods?" some sort of jewelry?


*is imagining a "techno fashion show"*



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Provided they have electricity, and outlets...and they haven't changed the plugs in a thousand years, which is pretty damn unlikely LOL.


I don't think I want to know what the polarized plug of the future will look like! :lol:

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