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The ups and downs of Valentine's night



Ok, let's get things starting off correctly: I'm not the type of girl who sits at home moping around. I could give a bleep less that I don't have a date on Valentine's night...I'm still going out! I mean, hell, if you're sitting in a full restaurant, then you're not eating alone, right?


So last night's plan: take the light rail 'downtown' (aka 15 blocks), go to dinner around 7, watch a bit of hockey at the bar of the restaurant, and then go to my movie (as I mentioned in the latest movie thread, I saw "Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show," which got good reviews from me).


Dinner: once I found out that the Sharks (NHL team here in San Jos


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Taking delight in one's own company is a treat that many in our society never get the opportunity to experience, because of the social pressures of being "popular," or of being "a couple."


Seneca would have truly appreciated you, DoL. For he said:


"The primary sign of a well-ordered mind is one's ability to remain in one place and linger in one's own company."


And, I truly appreciate you, too. :P


-- Nephele

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Aw, thanks!


The movie experience started to creep me out. Now, I've been on a date where we were the only ones in the house...but at least I wasn't completely alone for 90ish minutes. Creepy!

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Aw, thanks!


The movie experience started to creep me out. Now, I've been on a date where we were the only ones in the house...but at least I wasn't completely alone for 90ish minutes. Creepy!


Yah, you wouldn't know whether some perve might've just wandered into the theater and was now sitting in the shadows behind you, about to shoot spunk on the back of your head.


(There's a nice Valentine's Day mental image for your dreams nightmares.)


-- Nephele

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Aw, thanks!


The movie experience started to creep me out. Now, I've been on a date where we were the only ones in the house...but at least I wasn't completely alone for 90ish minutes. Creepy!


Yah, you wouldn't know whether some perve might've just wandered into the theater and was now sitting in the shadows behind you, about to shoot spunk on the back of your head.


(There's a nice Valentine's Day mental image for your dreams nightmares.)


-- Nephele


Classy Neph very classy! :P

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I'd love to have a theatre all to myself. No screaming kids. No cell phones. No fat asses munching loudly on junk food. Just me and the flick.

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HAH! She's so incredibly skittish...doesn't like the sound of plastic bags, nor any loud noise. And she freaks out in her cage...this Saturday is the first time we go to a new vet, who's 5 minutes away (versus the old one, which is now 35+ minutes away). I don't think she's gonna do this one well, either!

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Heheh My cat makes the most pitiful, barely audible cries when I put it in the cage to take it to the vet. By the time we get there it doesn't make a noise and its like a little cat robot programmed to keep its stomach against the ground and automatically crawl back into the cage.

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Sounds kinda like this morning. She first started her "oh shit!" bark (well, it sounds like a yip/bark), then I had her chillin' in the cage for about 15 minutes before we headed off. She yapped the whole way...I'm kinda glad my cat-English translator is broken. Anyway, after the vet (where she was pronounced healthy, but was given all of her shots), she's been quiet. The only time I got purrs was when I brushed her. But at least now she's on my lap, and almost normal. I guess when she's not so sore, she'll be right as rain!


(But I'm not telling her that in 3 weeks she has to go back for a follow-up and booster shots!)

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Let us examine this problem from an ontological point of view. As we all know, woemans have more rights and wrongs in these days of great unhappiness, than do those made in the image and likeness of God. Right? Right! So there must have been some lad out there who wanted to ask you out, but was too shy. Right? Right! So, you should have used your secret female ESP to seek him out, and then ask him out! That is what equality is all about. Right? Right! Alternatively, you could have gone to a rave or concert, etc. Right? Right!


In my never ending efforts to set the world straight, you will soon receive an e-mail addressing the problem from a Global Warming point of view.



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Ah that's it...my female ESP was in the shop!


Actually, it has been my entire life...I'm a fairly obvious person. It's clear to me when someone is interested, and when they're not. It's not ESP...it's body language! Either way, I had a good evening.

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