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Moving out v 2.0.



I have been lazy, not checking my comments. Today I saw that there were at least one curious man asking about how the moving out was going. This is how it looks right now:


I was in the last second out maneuvered from two rooms. However I have been in line for a room at another place too. It was more of a second choice and I had not thought much about it, but destiny did it's part and I was first in line for a room yesterday and they called me.


Now imagine to get a call about a room when you've just had 4 hours of lecture and are on your way to a Latin exam. I asked them to call me later. 2 hours later they called me and said that I had time to decide until 7 pm the same night. Rough terms. I wavered and wondered. This place have certain pro's and con's.


It's cheaper and slightly larger (2300 Kr ( 230


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So, you got diddled. Big deal! If it's the first time, be happy. If it's the last time , be ecstatic. Part of growing up. One day, I will tell all, all about the guys who tried to sell my group a 'Gold Machine'. Then there were the realty scams. :(


When I went to school, you got what you got, and that was that. The dean would treat you harshly if you so much as mentioned the 'color' of the facilities. Dorms were segregated by sex, and never the two met. Never - well, unless there was a raid. :)


We weren't considered experienced enough in life to discuss politics. No political clubs allowed. The only discussuions we had were about how much of a charge to put in the Civil War cannon, or how to desecrate the deans house. :)


Nonetheless, I am sorry to hear that you can't bring your pussy with you. :)



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G.O, when you went to school, dinosaurs probably still roamed the earth!


You're toast! Just you wait for your bio in the D.J. I did have to walk around with a chicken on a leash in school. There's your neo-dinosaur! :D



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