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Missing the First Bit



Have you seen that Tom Hanks movie about being marooned? Its a lonely vigil, here in my safe warm cave on Washout Island. Every day I do little else than send messages in bottles hoping an employer will come across it and send a boat to bring me back to civilisation. One bottle came back on the morning tide with a note inside saying - You haven't done the first bit. Oh? Whats that? Light signal fires? Jump up and down at passing aeroplanes yelling very loudly? Becoming intimately familiar with a football? I've seen some rejections in my time but good grief if these guys don't want me to work for them, why didn't they just send a letter saying Sorry, no chance Mate like everybody else?


Confession of the Week

Yes its true. I did. I attended a school reunion for the class of '78. After thirty years its incredible how life has aged and changed some people, yet how a handful seem immune to the ravages of time. One guy I recognised instantly walked in out of a time warp. It was peculiar how the relationships with some of my former schoolmates has survived - we got talking as if thirty years hadn't happened. Sadly, for some it had, and inevitanbly there were those with personal tragedies. It does make you realise that maybe life hasn't been so bad, so I guess its back to sending messages in a bottle with renewed vigour and long meaningful conversations with a football.


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