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Pleasures Of The Table



Apart from materia medica my abiding passion is for the Triclinium, and I will keep members informed of any particularly outre gustatory experiences.I will also endeavour to gather a little more material regarding medieval recipes and pass these on from time to time.

You will all be amused to hear that I have succumbed to a stomach bug today, but as I hold to the virtue of plant medicine I have mixed the inner bark of the Red Elm (native to N.America) with Manuka honey.It seems to have done the trick.

The Elm is also called Ulmus fulva , I wonder do any American mamber's have information regarding its use by Native people's? I believe it may be called Moose Elm or Indian Elm in the western USA where it is more plentiful.

note: I see it was used to treat gunshot wounds by pioneers


I shall be eating very plainly today.


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