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I Was Nearly An Ex-Caldrail



Yesterday I made my way into town and to do so, I need to cross a busy road junction. There's a pedestrian crossing there so it isn't an onerous task.


I approach the traffic light and looking to my right (We brits very sensibly drive on the left) a car was slowing down to turn left into the College car park just before the crossing. The van behind had nowhere to go. So taking the opportunity I strode across the road, with the traffic lights changing from red to flashing amber (Thats 'You can proceed if the crossing is clear')


I heard a loud yell behind me. I think the unintelligible bellow said something like "Get out of the way!" seeing as the van swerved behind me and shot off down the road almost mounting the pavement in its eagerness to get past. Without doubt, it was a dubious manoever. Even if he had a clear signal, it was a pedestrian crossing and he had no legal right to force me out of the way.


It was a close call. I was nearly an ex-Caldrail. If the man behind the wheel keeps on behaving like that, he'll be an ex-driver before long.


Investment of the Week

Goes to North Korea, whose starving population must be filled with joy at the prospect of seeing their nation launch a missile with a 4,200 mile range. Thats going to make their lives better isn't it?


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