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I've always found that wine tastes best in fine crystal. The crystal sort of ritualizes the wine-drinking experience -- you find yourself holding that expensive crystal goblet almost reverentially, as you sip your wine.


Happy birthday, LW, and enjoy your blackberry Merlot!


-- Nephele

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I've just finished that glass of wine that I've been nursing for two hours.


LOL A certain someone is convinced he's going to get me drunk, I don't know how he'll manage. :D


Contemplating another glass of wine.

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This stuff is 'going south' (as we say) already. I'll be having three drinks tonight, but I'm finishing this bottle up.


And not buying this again. It's GOOD- I recommend it for a party or something where the bottle will be finished the day you open it. Don't expect it to keep. Sheesh.


*has a sad*

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