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Masters of Art.



Masters of Art. I finally finished my degree; I've now got a Magister (The Swedish version of a masters). As I should be really happy, I'm not cause I can't figure out what to do now. There is no possibility to get a Phd in Sweden, I'm trying to get something in the UK, but it's difficult even with good contacts there. The USA/Canada would be great too but as I don't even know anyone there...l don't even know where to start. I can't get a job as it is, I tried museums but a masters degree isn't enough even for guiding during the summer (Something that I'm more then able to do) and to work at excavations they ask me to pay them - it

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Congrats, and welcome to the real world :(

It sucks, I know, I've been there. Try and see if you can get some short term grants, to do a bit of research for a few months or half a year, so you can develop a plan for a PhD project, maybe write a general outline article. This will improve your chances when you do find an opening somewhere, it shows you're serious about it. If that doesn't work find some job to keep you alive and just keep trying to get in. It takes determination and still you may fail, but it's not impossible.

Good luck :)

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