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It's Coming Together



Recieved this from Dr. Whyte just now:


Dear Sean:


I would be happy to send a letter to Jon Leader. The pictures you sent are of artifacts dating (mostly) to the mid-Holocene (Middle Archaic, Morrow Mountain points). I must have seen others if I said Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene. What kind of landform is the site on? Has it been plowed? If so, do you think there may be preserved parts of the site below the plow zone? What is the estimated site size? These things may halp me argue the case for preservation.


I applaud your concern for preserving the site! It makes me feel like my teaching has an occasional positive affect!


Tom Whyte


Interesting that I finally have a more specific 'style' nomenclature ("Morrow Mt Point") which I've been lacking. Due to that it's been hard to verify my memory until now. Whyte's expertice seems to have been honed in the last 13 years! Now I just have to get up to the land and get pictures!


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This is the specific "naming of names " that I was hopeful you would achieve.The Doctor seems to be quite definite in his identification and in his pleasure at your commitment to the proper "understanding" of the site.

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