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Using A Spellchecker On The Forum



There was always a way to use an integrated spell checker on the forum, however it was only available if you use the rich text editor, and this one had some serious bugs, so i never mentioned it...


With the latest upgrade of our forum software (2.1.4), most of those issues have been fixed, so i am happy to explain it how it works...


First, this only works with Internet Explorer...


You need to install the spell checker software here ---> http://www.iespell.com/download.php then go back to the forum, go to My Controls, there you go to Board Settings, change "Type of text editor to use when posting" to "Rich Text Editor" then save it...


Now you have when you post a new icon on the top bar (says ABC), once you are finished typing your post just click on it and it will spell check the text for you....





p.s. ok the spell checker is not perfect though (it tries to replace viggen to virgin :ph34r: )


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I didn't know there WAS a spellcheck on this forum actually (although I wouldn't use it anyway. I use Firefox lol)


Spellcheck is a useful feature, but spellchecks seem to be problematic for me (especially in a forum where people are apt to say things in Latin)

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I didn't know there WAS a spellcheck on this forum actually (although I wouldn't use it anyway. I use Firefox lol)


Spellcheck is a useful feature, but spellchecks seem to be problematic for me (especially in a forum where people are apt to say things in Latin)



Hehe, guilty :P

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