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Roman Religion



The rough draft is finally done! I've sent it to PP for editing, hopefully it will be published soon (and NO "sneak peaks" you guys :) ) YAY! I took long enouh with it...I really hope it turns out to be worth the wait. I may write another one sometime soon but lets get this one off the ground first :)


I've moved my bird and flower art into it's own gallery as I'm sure some of you noticed. (it's easier to show it to people that way...I have a few friends and relatives that love to look at my artwork ;)) and I'm hoping to be adding more soon.


I've got two study halls every day now, YAY I'll have lots of time to work on writing, actually do my chem homework, and read the books that my english teacher has been thinking I've read...:)


Oh yea, I got my report card today. 83 in AP chem again! YAY! EIGHTY-THREE! EIGHTY-THREE! EIGHTY-THREE! WhOoT! lol I feel special... ;)


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My congratulations! :)

I hope to see your new pictures soon!

Tell me please about school grades in America. We have only 4 grades in my University (excellent, good, satisfactory and bad). I have mostly excellent marks and some good (English and Latin, lol) :)

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Well, I'm still in high school I don't know what Uni grades are like, but we have A (excellent) B, C, D, and F (failing)


At most schools 90% is an A, 80% is a B etc but at my school its something like 95% is an A, 85% is a B....I usually still care only about the percentages though. Despite the fact that it's a C (which it shouldn't be IMO) 83% is still a really good grade for an AP Chem class.

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