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The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow



Up until about a week ago, much of the North American continent was in a very gripping Arctic snap--so bad that it was likened to having a hurricane-type pattern of wave after wave of winter storms. Extreme bitter cold, snow measured in feet...yet on the West Coast we had nothing but gorgeous weather. Sunshine, spring-like temps...in February. Not really normal, although it was somewhat, in that we usually have a week or so of warm weather in this second month on the calendar. But not for like 2+ weeks. Eh, it was fun while it lasted, but I was very quick to not boast about it. Ya see, I know that Mother Nature is a fickle witch, and she doesn't like you to really get too happy about what you have. Boasters never prosper, kind of thing. I knew our turn was coming.


So, for the last 5 days, we've had nothing but cold and rain. We've had steady soaking rain with temps in the 50s, thunderstorms with hail and temps in the 40s...it keeps going and going. It's supposed to end tonight, with chances of rain on Monday and Thursday, but at least we're set up to see the sun come tomorrow. I do hope so...my hyacinths are desperate for sun, and my baby lettuces are starting to get pale with lack of warmth.


Not to mention, I'd like to get into the pool shortly...this mermaid likes to play in the water, not necessarily be sprinkled or doused with it.


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That's a little worrying. We usually get your secondhand weather imported soon afterward. And we've already had a cold snap already. I didn't have it too bad, albeit reduced to living in a duvet, but it got a bit rough for some and we Brits simply have no idea how to handle winter.

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Heh if the Brits have no idea how to handle winter, then Californians, well, we're downright weather wusses. But as predicted, the sun is out from the start, nary a cloud in the sky...Bella the kitty is in her usual sunshine patch, and indeed the lettuces are happy to have nutrition again. But damn is it cold...40'F...I think I'll stay indoors.

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Outside is snowing like it did all week and I have to dig, again, the car out. Hopefully the battery did not died, again, from the cold, if it did I'm not touching the car until the snow melts and it may be a while.

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So is that weather common for Rumania, Kosmo?


The news flash here: snow levels down to 1000 feet tonight and tomorrow night. So my hilltop won't see snow, but the hills to the west, that I look out to, might :D

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Winters are usually cold here (and the summers are hot) but this one seems more snowy then usual and because the bad weather starts in november and lasts until march it gets tiresome at some point so if you see the sun tell him to come here too.

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Just sent the message along, Kosmo! Sadly, the promised snow didn't reach my ground...but the mountains and some of the hills around the Bay Area are all wearing their winter caps :) But cripes, it's cold!

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Apparently, there was a sod of a lot of snow in the Rh?ne Alps as well, last week. Do you want to know where where I was! Go on . . . I'll give you a clue . . . it begins with R.A.


Back in the UK now, though. Grey, damp, miserable . . . . but enough about me.

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LOL But the question is, GoC, did you enjoy the change of weather? I realize that the snow can be quite the inconvenience, especially when one isn't used to quite that amount, but you have to admit that it's a change of pace!


One last day of sunshine for us, then back to rain. But at least it won't be damned-near freezing this time, so my flowers will be happy with the sprinkle.

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