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So good they named it twice




I'm not even going to begin to suggest that this blog is twice-fortnightly anymore. Everything in life starts with enthusiasm, but soon becomes the norm, and then turns into a chore.


Anyway, three things need to be reported on. Firstly there's my recent annual skiing holiday to Avoriaz in France. Non-skiers will not be interested. If any loyal followers to this blog are skiers, they're welcome to comment/contact me and I can tell them all about Avoriaz, snow conditions, ice conditions, cloud conditions, mountain restaurant conditions, ski-to-your-door, ski-from-your-door, hourly uplift capacity, and all the things that skiers seem interested in.


Next, one of our Hadrian's Wall tours was cancelled this year, leaving me with a gap in my schedule. My company (which from now on I shall refer to by the alias 'Hiking Hols-R-Us') came back with an offer for a tour that was somewhat of a departure (scuse the pun) from my previous guiding experience. A sightseeing tour of New York city! Wow! Other than having to squeeze my over-long and over-wide carcass into an aircraft seat for God-knows how many hours, I seem to have fallen on my feet there. Big Apple here I come.


Lastly, to counteract the Yin of the above, the cosmos has delivered upon the OfClayton household a mighty dollop of Yang. Mrs OfClayton works at a 6th Form College that announced redundancies yesterday. Names are yet to be named, but they do know that, out of the two people in her department, they will lose one! I'm sure I don't need to tell any of you what a blow this has been.


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Last week I signed up for a 3-day "ski course". As I currently live near a ski resort, I thought I might as well give it a try - for the first time in my life! I was lucky because even though I signed up for group lessons, there were not a lot of people around so I ended up with a private instructor. By the 3rd day, I was already going down a real slope, what a rush! I'm seriously considering investing in some good equipment so that I can try it again next winter.


Sorry to hear about the Yang situation. At least you have the pure alpine air to look forward to. :)

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Good for you Aurelia, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it - though to be honest, few people are put off after their first go. Equipment-wise, my only advice would be to start with boots, and if you have them professionally fitted, don't accept them if they feel at all tight. Unless you're planning on turning into a super-fast skier, comfort is much more important.


Out of interest, which resort did you ski in?

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Good for you Aurelia, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it - though to be honest, few people are put off after their first go.

I was :(


Mind you the fact that my one and only attempt at Skiing was in Scotland when the only available snow was in a corrie at the top of the mountain on the first day followed by a white-out on the second which made skiing impossible may have had something to do with it B);)

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I've never skiied Scotland, though I hear 99 percent of the time conditions are pretty poor. No offence to our friends north of the Antonine Wall, but you may feel differently if you give it a try in the Alps.

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Heh I'll be the party pooper...I dislike snow, and my attempts at skiing as a youth left me cold, wet, hurt, and dying for hot chocolate and a cuddle by the fire. Snowboarding didn't exactly entice me, either, as my knees--which are already shot to hell--were left worse for wear.


No, this beach bunny will stick to the warmer climes B)


On the other hand...may I suggest that you find a way to get into contact with our Lovely Lady of Names, Nephele...she's a resident of the area, and is an absolute blast to hang out with. Her bloke is a Brit (from Midlands, I think?), and they will give you the best tour yet!


Fingers crossed for 'Yang', and all that. I know how you feel :(

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Ah, Doc. What are we going to do with you? Mrs OfClayton tried on a pair of ski boots and had a panic attack due to their slightly claustrophobic feel. So she has always resisted skiing.

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Sounds like she and I will be at the same place: at the cabin, warm, maybe working on stuff for you to nosh on when you get back...spiking the hot chocolate and mulling wine :wine:

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