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Reruns, Recipes, & Returns



Occaisionally during my action packed dole seeking lifestyle I catch a bit of television. Mostly because there's so little I want to watch that I normally do something else. I've probably mentioned before how strange it is that with more and more channels available, there's less and less you actually want to sit through. On the plus side, maybe that's a goood thing, because they say television is bad for you.


At the risk of becoming a wannabee journalist and reporting on people, I sat down to check out what 's going on in the world. I know there's one out there. Been there a few times.


Ireland is back on the news. As I reached for the volume I spotted the sign that said Moneygall and feared for the worst, especially after some idiot threw a dud grenade at a policeman talking to a couple of young kids. No, it was worse. The entire village is throwing aside the emerald isle image in favour of stars and bars. What are they doing?


It seems Barack Obama is visiting the village to go back to his roots. Ireland? Shouldn't he be visiting west Africa or something?


Blast From The Past

Having recovered from my hysterics concerning the presidential visit I came across a rerun of Noggin The Nog.. Haven't seen that since I was a kid. For those unacquainted with prehistoric television Noggin The Nog is a cartoon lord of the manor. In this episode the evil Nogbad attempted to sneak his crows into the castle inside a pie cooked for Noggin's birthday. Nail biting stuff. No wonder life as an adult is so dull.


Caldrail's Rabbit Rocket

Here we go then. Second in a series of recipes for the discerning supermaket goer.


For each plate spread a little rocket (the greenie salad, not the sputnik variety).


On top of that spread a little stir fry of

- Chopped Red Onion

- Chopped Brown Mushroom

- Chopped British Radish (much classier than that god awful Horse Radish stuff)


On top of that spread beef mince, stir fried in a touch of brown sauce plus a little ginger and curry powder to taste.


On top of that spead a few potato gnocchi, oven cooked until lightly browned and smeared with some green pesto. Add a touch of black pepper if you wish. I did.


And hey presto, one tasty looking dish to delight a jaded jobseeker. Come to think of it, this is all Jamie Oliver does to earn umpteen millions of pounds every year. Where's my money then?


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