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Way Out West



Quite some time ago I suggested that the british government of the day wanted a return to victorian england. Mostly, I suspect, because they rather liked the idea of masses of hard working citizens doffing their caps as they trundle past in expensive limousines. That's always been a feature of human society - the desire of the wealthy to accumulate even more wealth, status, influence, and comfort. Another feature of human society is the inevitable backlash as the downtrodden rise and.... Good grief, I sound like a bolshevist. That will never do.


Prices are steadily going up and like me, many britons are finding life isn't so comfortable any more. Ten years ago a weeks food and drink could be had for as little as


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I fear $127,000 will merely buy a sub-orbital ticket. Still, when I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be an astronaut. OfClayton Towers must be worth more than $127,000 . . . . Maybe I could do something extremely stupid, and then bum away the rest of my life in a VW Camper, traveling around Europe. Sounds tempting.

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