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Final Chapters



You'll have to excuse me. I'm in a bit of a hurry. Not only have I had a full day of doing this or seeing to that, not only a frantic effort to complete enough jobsearch activity to please the frigid hearts of my government paymasters, but I need to get home real quick because today is the End Of The World!




Hopefully I'll survive this one as I did the last. With the biggie End Of The World due in little over a years time one can only hope I'll survive the entire trilogy. As for the Rapture, the great disappearance of every approved Jesus fan, please, just get on with it.


It isn't just me and my sheer loathing of christianity, but my colleague Young L is working in a christian enterprise and the poor lad is being driven insane by constant appeals to his consience. Unfortunately Young L is a confirmed football worshipper, so perhaps all they're doing is getting up his nose. They certainly manage to get up mine. Apart from the odd guffaw at idiotic predictions that never stood a chance of coming true.


Bang - You're Dead

Sadly Gaddafi won't be joining us during our post-apocalyptic struggles as he managed to get himself shot dead yesterday. Most of you probably already know that. Bit I'm curious.... What did his inevitable death mean to you? Was it...?


a - At last. The little rascal has gotten away with it for too long.


b - Oh no. There goes my investment.


c - Brilliant. Time to fly to Libya and negotiate a new contracts so I can expand my business and offer Caldrail a job.


d - No time. I have to prepare for the End Of The World and panic appropriately.


e - Eh? What?



Also in the news I see the basque seperatist group Eta have decided to stop hurting people. That's great guys. Now you face the final hours of the world tonight with clear consiences. However I also note that the 'Real IRA' are still at it, or would be if MI5 hadn't foiled their latest dastardly plot.


I can understand a communal need for self-determination. I can understand anger. What I fail to understand is why blowing up random individuals is going to create a safe and respected nation state. Terrorism strikes me as something of a tantrum. Throwing toys out of the pram when you can't get your own way, except doing it with a little more noise and damage in the process.


More to the point, you might also describe terrorism as a particularly nasty form of vandalism. Like the more lurid version plastered on our vertical surfaces, or the fragments of glass littering the pavement the next day, it's a destructive expression by people who really have no talent for helping themselves or others. Politics or religion are no excuse.


Just ask Saddam Hussein. Gaddafi. Or even Jesus.


Face it people. There's no such thing as a world in which terrorists will be happy. Or any chance that the devout will vanish into paradise at the flick of holy fingers.


The Answer is...

What did Gaddafi's inevitable death mean to you?


The answer was of course f - I said they'd get him. What's for tea, luv?


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