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She's Baaaack!



Lol computer is finally up and running. FINALLY. Took long enough. LOL I had a heck of a time with my internet connection, updating Norton and the like. I have to get ADAware too again. Finally got my IM back, and I'm working on getting my channel back soon (I lost my channel because I hadn't been on. They didn't realize my comp crashed). Lol so I should be more active again now.


Monty Python is on PBS on Wednesday nights. 8:00. XD


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LOL nothing got me except for the very frustrating "no computer bug". It's extra frustrating in high school with lots of homework that would be better typed with my handwriting. Thank Gods for study halls. There isn't a god of study hall is there? Maybe I should invent one XD jk.

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Thank Gods for study halls. There isn't a god of study hall is there?


Depending on what you were studying I suppose one of the Muses could fill the bill...

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